Exam schedule:
HOW TO STUDY FOR TOMORROW'S ELA EXAM: Use commonlit.org ...every student has an account. I have assigned a variety of readings with questions for them to answer.
Students will get 2hrs + 2hrs of extra time to do a 50 multiple choice question. 9am - 11am + 2 extra hours.
Bring a water bottle tomorrow and some snacks. Parent council will have some snacks to start the day.
Only 13 students asked for exam study guides / reviews for the all the units. I didn't print them for everyone because I didn't want to waste the ink for like 500+ pages.
Grade 6 farewell is this Friday at 10:30am in the gym. Please arrive by 10:15am to be seated.
Today we worked on our Iroquois Confederacy study guide. Then we read, had music, gym, snack, and recess. After those we finally start ratios and rates in math. Then we had a class meeting about exams and any questions the students had. After lunch, recess, and mindfulness we ended the day with doing commonlits to help study for the ELA exam.
We hope everyone has a Marvel movie Monday!