Friday, 28 February 2020

Friday, February 28th

1. Casino volunteers for parent council May 18th/19th
2. March Fun Lunch is McDonald's ... Orders are due March 6th
3. OUTDOOR SCHOOL FORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x a million
4. FIRST draft of stories  extended to Tuesday!
5. Social Unit Test - Wednesday March 4th
6. PD DAY Monday March 2nd - no school
7. Jump Rope for Heart forms due March 6th
8. BEDMAS test March 6th

Today we had an the assembly and the grade 6s then cleaned up after it.  Afterwards we had a longer health lesson with student nurses.  Their goal is to help build resilience with the grade 6s.   After that we had time to work on projects that are overdue for some students, and mathletics - for our BEDMAS test next week.

We hope everyone has a Freaky Friday.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Wednesday, February 26th

1. Casino volunteer for parent council May 18th/19th
2. March Fun Lunch is McDonald's
3. Science test Thursday!
4. Pink Shirt Day Feb 26th
5. Field trip to SJAM student open house Feb 27th all afternoon - Forms due ASAP
6. Pillars of Care Assembly Feb 28th at 8:15am
7. OUTDOOR SCHOOL FORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x a million
8. FIRST draft of stories due this Thursday 27th!
9. Social Unit Test - Tuesday March 3rd
10. PD DAY Monday March 2nd
11. Jump Rope for Heart forms due March 6th

Today we corrected our basic facts and they were sent home to be signed.  Our class average was 71% our highest ever.  Then we had music and snack and marked the math.

We then worked on completely our first drafts of our story before heading to the library and gym.

In the afternoon we studied for our social test / science test and did our LA PLC; reading a story and answering questions about it.

We hope everyone has a Wonder Woman Wednesday!

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Tuesday, February 25th

1. Casino volunteer for parent council May 18th/19th
2. March Fun Lunch is McDonald's
3. Science test Thursday!
4. Pink Shirt Day Feb 26th
5. Field trip to SJAM student open house Feb 27th all afternoon - Forms due ASAP
6. Pillars of Care Assembly Feb 28th at 8:15am
7. OUTDOOR SCHOOL FORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x a million
8. FIRST draft of stories due this Thursday 27th!
9. Social Unit Test - Tuesday March 3rd
10. PD DAY Monday March 2nd
11. Jump Rope for Heart forms due March 6th

Today we did our basic fact quiz, some students need to finish and we will be doing that and marking them tomorrow.  We had music and and then an assembly about jump rope for heart. 

After that we did math / LA story writing and had our snack.  In buddies, we worked on making soap carvings for their N.W.T. unit in grade 2, before having gym.

In the afternoon we had mindfulness, sciences and social.

We hope everyone has a Thor Tuesday! 

Missing Cellphone - Please be on the look out for...

The make and model is a Samsung Galaxy J3.  The colour is black with a large sticker on the back of it which looks like stained glass and the character “Link” from the Zelda video game.  I was able to get the serial number (IMEI) from my purchase contract. The IMEI is 359229090701360.  The screen saver while in the lock screen is a picture of a green car made out of Lego.  The phone has a pattern lock on it as well.

Thank you for your support with this!

Monday, 24 February 2020

Monday, February 24th

1. Casino volunteer for parent council May 18th/19th
2. Fun Lunch is McDonald's
3. Pizza Party tomorrow at lunch!
4. Pizza party Feb 25th for patrols and Mavericks
5. Pink Shirt Day Feb 26th
6. Field trip to SJAM student open house Feb 27th all afternoon - Forms due ASAP
7. Pillars of Care Assembly Feb 28th at 8:15am
8. OUTDOOR SCHOOL FORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x a million
9. FIRST draft of stories due this Wednesday 26th!
10. Social Unit Test - Tuesday March 3rd
11. PD DAY Monday March 2nd

Today we started off with ignite, before an hour of BEDMAS practice.   Then we had snack / / DEAR time.  After that students worked on drafting and self - assessing their first draft.
After drafting we tidied up before gym.

In the afternoon, we studied for both our science unit test, and our social unit test.

We hope everyone has Captain Marvel Monday.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Friday, February 21st

1. Casino volunteer for parent council May 18th/19th
2. Fun Lunch is McDonald's
3. Pizza Party forms due this Friday for patrols and Mavericks
4. Pizza party feb 25th for patrols and Mavericks
5. Pink shirt Day Feb 26th
6. Field trip to SJAM student open house Feb 27th all afternoon - Forms due ASAP
7. Pillars of Care Assembly Feb 28th at 8:15am
8. OUTDOOR SCHOOL FORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x a million
9. FIRST draft of stories due this Wednesday 26th!

Today was a flash in the pan for a Friday.  We did some BEDMAS, and order of operations work on Mathletics.  Then we learned about the 10 different effective ending types for our short stories. We continued on drafting our stories and set a due date this Wednesday.

In buddies we worked on some art skills.  We had each buddy draw each other, and the kids loved it!  Was a really fun buddy class, and we did some math with the grade 2s if they finished early.

In gym was bench dodgeball, then we cleaned up the classroom.

In other news, everyone will get their social presentation rubrics on Monday to bring home and sign.
Everyone got it done, and the marks were awesome!   Really proud of the 6s for being brave and presenting.

We hope everyone has a Fantastic Four Friday!

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Wednesday, February 19th

1. Casino volunteer for parent council May 18th/19th
2. Fun Lunch Feb 20th
3. Pizza Party forms due this Friday for patrols and Mavericks
4. Pizza party feb 25th for patrols and Mavericks
5. Pink shirt Day Feb 26th
6. Field trip to SJAM student open house Feb 27th all afternoon
7. Pillars of Care Assembly Feb 28th at 8:15am
8. SOCIAL AND SCIENCE PROJECTS DUE TOMORROW for those who didn't present!

Today we practiced BEDMAS, had music, then snack and   After that we worked on our drafts for our stories, then we had stations in gym.

In the afternoon the students watched Bill Nye for aerodynamics and presented their social story boards.

We hope everyone has a wacky Wednesday!

SJAM OPEN HOUSE PLEASE READ!! For Parents and students!

Dear all,

We just got word of when the SJAM open house!

It is Thursday, February 27th, 530pm - 7pm

Come in through front doors, parking is at corner of 4th street & 64th ave


Side note we need parent volunteers for the 12-2pm Student orientation that Thursday as well.  Forms were just sent home today. 

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Tuesday, February 18th

1. Casino volunteer for parent council May 18th/19th
2. Fun Lunch Feb 20th
3. Pizza Party forms due this Friday for patrols and Mavericks
4. Pizza party feb 25th for patrols and Mavericks
5. Pink shirt Day Feb 26th
6. Field trip to SJAM student open house Feb 27th all afternoon
7. Pillars of Care Assembly Feb 28th at 8:15am

Today we started a new unit in math, order of operations.  After music we continued math, did some silent reading during snack,  before I handed back some marks for some LA formative assessments.  After that we discussed the general findings of the my feedback, before moving onto story planning / drafting.

In the afternoon we worked on our mindful meditation, social charter project and their science magazine project.

We hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday!

Art Contest at BHS read more!

"BHS has entered the Artworks Foundation art contest!  Due Monday March 30th to Mr. Shackelton, the theme is Changing Seasons.  For more info at"

Lets try to submit some great art grade 6!!

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Wednesday, February 12th

1. Integer quiz sent home to be signed
2. No School Feb 13th, 14th, 17th
3. Fun Lunch Feb 20th
4. Feb 27th Trip to Sir John A MacDonald
5. Pillars of Care Assembly 8:15am Friday Feb 28th
6. Pink Shirt Day Feb 26th
7.  Science Magazine due Feb 19th
8. Social Storyboard presentations begin Feb 18th

Happy Wednesday! We read with our grade 3 buddies or did mathletics with them.  Then we had music and snack.  After that did we our integer quiz and corrected it together.  Then students had some time to work on their short stories.  Later on we went to Miss Cox's store to help our grade 2 buddies learn about spending money and making change and learn about budgets.  In gym we had lacrosse which was awesome! In the afternoon,  was mindfulness, science magazine, and social story board.

We hope everyone has a wicked Wednesday! And a safe and happy long break!


Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Tuesday, February 11th

1. Coffee with the Principal Feb 12th 7:45-8:45am
2. No School Feb 13th, 14th, 17th
3. Fun Lunch Feb 20th
4. Feb 27th Trip to Sir John A MacDonald
5. Pillars of Care Assembly 8:15am Friday Feb 28th
6. Pink Shirt Day Feb 26th
7.  Science Magazine due Feb 19th
8. Social Storyboard presentations begin Feb 18th
9. Integer quiz this Wednesday!!!!

Today we prepped for our integer test tomorrow and I sent home some work sheets for students to practice with / they can use mathletics at home.

Then we read, had music, snack, worked on our typing skills and then got into the real work  ---- story drafting!

After gym, we worked on our projects!

We hope everyone terrific Tuesday!

Helpful Links for Story Writing

Couple links for short story writing.
1.  Variety of Links:
2. Plot
3. Plot
4. Main character
5. Main character
6.Introduction writing
7. Planning

Monday, 10 February 2020

Monday, February 10th

1. Coffee with the Principal Feb 12th 7:45-8:45am
2. No School Feb 13th, 14th, 17th
3. Fun Lunch Feb 20th
4. Feb 27th Trip to Sir John A MacDonald
5. Pillars of Care Assembly 8:15am Friday Feb 28th
6. Pink Shirt Day Feb 26th
7.  Science Magazine due Feb 19th
8. Social Storyboard presentations begin Feb 18th
9. Integer quiz this Wednesday!!!!

Today we worked on integers - comparing, ordering, adding and subtracting, and some even got to the word problems.  We will be doing more of the same before our quiz Weds.

Then we had snack and 30min work period on whatever task they want.

Then the students worked on their drafts with of focus of showing vs telling. 

After gym and lunch was mindfulness.

Students had the afternoon to work on their science magazines and their group project of storyboards in social.

We hope everyone has a Marvel Comics Monday!

Friday, 7 February 2020

Friday, February 7th

1. Coffee with the Principal Feb 12th 7:45-8:45am
2. No School Feb 13th, 14th, 17th
3. Fun Lunch Feb 20th
4. Feb 27th Trip to Sir John A MacDonald
5. Pillars of Care Assembly 8:15am Friday Feb 28th
6. Pink Shirt Day Feb 26th
7.  Science Magazine due Feb 19th
8. Social Storyboard presentations begin Feb 19th

Today was a flash!  We started with doing a self-assessment about our resilience during tasks.  This is created by nursing students that will be visiting our school every Friday until spring break.

After that we worked on integers and some students made it to BEDMAS on Mathletics.   After that, we worked on story planning and story drafting, while having our snack.

Then we moved onto to buddies and playing the math pyramid game with the grade 2s continuing on from math night.

We ended our day with gym and cleaning the room.

We hope everyone has a fresh Friday!

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Wednesday, February 5th

1. Math Night Thursday Feb 6th, 6-8pm
2. Coffee with the Principal Feb 12th 7:45-8:45am
3. No School Feb 13th, 14th, 17th
4. Fun Lunch Feb 20th
5. Feb 27th Trip to Sir John A MacDonald
6. Pillars of Care Assembly 8:15am Friday Feb 28th
7. G.P. Vanier open house Weds 530-730pm
8. Pink Shirt Day Feb 26th
9. Basic Facts quiz sent home to be signed
10.  Science Magazine due Feb 19th
11. Social Storyboard presentations begin Feb 19th

Today we did our basic fact quiz, and then marked it in between music and snack time.

We then did our biweekly close reading assessment, where we read something 3 times, annotate it then answer the questions about the reading. I will mark these in the next couple of weeks.

Once they finished they had time to plan / draft their narratives.

In the afternoon we did mindfulness, followed by work on our 2 different projects ---- their flight magazine in science and their storyboards in social studies.

We will try to not have same due dates in the future,  however, this helps prepare them for next year when they will have multiple things due on the same day in various subjects.

We hope to see everyone out tomorrow for math night and wish everyone a wishful Wednesday!

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Tuesday, February 4th

1. Math Night Thursday Feb 6th, 6-8pm
2. Coffee with the Principal Feb 12th 7:45-8:45am
3. No School Feb 13th, 14th, 17th
4. Fun Lunch Feb 20th
5. Feb 27th Trip to Sir John A MacDonald
6. Pillars of Care Assembly 8:15am Friday Feb 28th
7. G.P. Vanier open house Weds 530-730pm
8. Pink Shirt Day Feb 26th

Today we continued learning more about integers and unpacking why/how negative numbers get bigger, and computing with them.

After music we read and had snack. 

Then we had time to story plan and start working on our first drafts before heading to the library.

After gym we had our mindfulness.

In the afternoon the students worked on their science magazine projects and their charter storyboards in social.

We hope everyone has a teammate Tuesday!

Science Project INFO

Science Project:

In the next two weeks, student will create their Flight & Aerodynamics magazine.
The magazine must include the basics taught in class and should be enhanced by personal inquiry and research.
  • forces of flight explained
  • design of an airfoil
  • Bernoulli's principle
  • bird adaptations for flight
  • Glossary of key terms and vocabulary
Additional research ideas:
  • streamlining exemplars
  • air resistance
  • insect adaptations for flight
  • properties of air
  • air pressure
  • experiments from class or home
  • Pioneers of flight
  • various aircraft types
Each magazine must include visuals, such as diagrams of airplanes, birds, labels and other related schematics (e.g. airfoil).

The due date is February 18th!

G.P. Vanier Open House invite!

Monday, 3 February 2020

Monday, February 3rd

1. Math Night Thursday Feb 6th, 6-8pm
2. Coffee with the Principal Feb 12th 7:45-8:45am
3. No School Feb 13th, 14th, 17th
4. Fun Lunch Feb 20th
5. Feb 27th Trip to Sir John A MacDonald
6. Pillars of Care Assembly 8:15am Friday Feb 28th

Congrats to the Chief Fans on excellent come back win last night!

Today was an action packed day! We started our new unit integers -numbers can be negative!  We will be playing around with computation of them on number lines to help before we move into word problems and BEDMAS!

We changed jobs, spots, and moved around the classroom and had our snack.

In LA, some students are still ironing out their plan for the big bag short stories, while others finally started drafting today! We will be working on this for the next couple weeks.

In gym we played bench dodgeball, Mr. Mueller's class won :(

Later in the afternoon we worked on our storyboard comics about the Charter --- due date will be decided this week based off student effort in class on it.

In Science I think students are starting their Flight Magazine project, but please check Mr. Mueller's blog for more information.

We hope everyone has a MVP Monday!