These were sent home today, please return them tomorrow.
Room 19’s Grade 5/6 Contractual Agreements
Room 19 uses “The Penalty Box.” It is a divider placed around a desk in the corner of the classroom. When a student demonstrates the inability to work and learn safely around others in the classroom they may end up in the penalty box. Parents will be contacted and have ultimate power if their child is allowed to enter.
The Penalty Box
· Parents will be informed before you enter
· Length will depend on severity of incident and parents’ input
· All classroom time will be spent in it
· Out of class supervision required e.g. washroom breaks
· No electronics, including laptops (unless it’s for a project)
How the Penalty Box Happens:
· Putting yourself and/or others in danger
· Any type of verbal and/or physical altercation with other students
· Disrespecting an adult (lunch supervisor, teachers, EAs, admin) in the building e.g. swearing, aggression
· Owing Mr. Shackelton more than three homework assignments over a long period of time i.e. like 5 weeks of not submitting any work
1. No swearing
2. Clean up after yourself and do not litter in or outside the class
3. Be a team player
4. No bullying, and stand up to bullies
5. Listen when someone else is talking
6. Hands to yourself
7. No name-calling
8. Electronics are teacher’s discretion
9. Positive comments and attitudes only
10. No running in the halls/class, stealing, fighting, or standing on chairs/desks
11. Complete homework on time
12. Try to learn something new each day!
13. Be honest and truthful
14. Respect and follow the 4 Pillars of Care!
15. No Vandalism
16. Follow all school rules including the dress code
17. Do not touch the smartboard
18. The school is not liable for any lost personal property
20. Follow all mask, hand washing, sanitizing, and social distancing rules.
By signing this agreement you as parents/guardians and students agree to uphold all rules and regulations stated in this document.
Student Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Student Signature: _______________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________