Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Pillars of Care Winners for October

 Care for Others: Secoya - She is always looking out for her friends inside and outside the classroom.  Outside she makes sure everyone has a friend to talk with and checks on them if they are feeling ok.  Keep up the great attitude Secoya! 

Care for Learning: Kyte - He excels in his school work!  Kyte tries his best at all times and always wants to learn more.  His thirst for knowledge is contagious with his peers.

Care for Place: Amelia - She always volunteers to help with cleaning the technology, her own spot, the tables we use throughout the day, putting away her desk items and overall sets a great example for the rest of the class to follow.

Care for Self: Leah - She always wears her mask, and her greatest strength is advocating for herself.  She does not hesitate to ask questions she needs answered to help with her learning.

Pillar of the Month: Fynn - She sets a great example about respect for all students to follow.  In class she is respectful of others' personal space and their boundaries. She respects that all students learn differently and does not hesitate to offer help! Keep up the great work!

Monday, 26 October 2020

Monday, October 26th


1. YMCA grade 6 forms due this Thursday --- or you can bring it yourself to any local Y you go to

2. October 29th is Halloween dress up day at BHS

3. Poetry project due November 2nd

4.  Spelling Test #4 Nov 6th - Social term words 

Today we started off by recapping the weekend and read.  Then in gym we were inside today with soccer and hockey nets.

After that we had 1.5 hours to work on our poetry ...with the focus of adding literary terms to our poems, with also had snack during this.

In math we started Long Division.  We will add in decimals soon.  We focussed on 1 digit by 2/3 digits problems. 

After recess we looked at our new social spelling terms for the test Nov 6th.  They had to look up the word and use it properly in a sentence. i.e Bylaw - The city passed a new bylaw today about wearing masks in public spaces.

In science we are learning about the function of leaves to tie in with energy collection and the water cycle.

We hope everyone has a multiverse Monday!

Spelling test #4 Friday, Nov 6th

Spelling Test #4  Friday Nov 6th 

-students will practice in class by using each word correctly in a full sentence.

  1. Bylaw
  2. Municipality
  3. Councilor
  4. Services
  5. Taxes
  6. Expenditures
  7. Motion
  8. Citizen
  9. Council
  10. Rally
  11. Petition
  12. Ballot
  13. Nominate
  14. Superintendent
  15. Trustee

Friday, 23 October 2020

Friday, October 23rd


1. Bring in your reading forms and have your parent sign them --- BRING FORMS IN TOMORROW for weekly tally

2. Halloween costume day Oct 29th

3. We are starting our poetry project! It will be due Monday, Nov 2 maybe..we will see how much work is done after this weekend. 

4. No school Oct 30th

Today was a great Friday! 

We read our new books from the library.  Then worked on multiplication in Mathletics.  We had snack.  We had an hour to work on our poems with the goal of incorporating literary terms into our rough copies to spice up our writing.   

We continued the day with our walk in which today as a class we totaled 36km.   On Monday I will post the weekly total for our class.

In science we finished learning deciduous and coniferous trees so we can start the water cycle on Monday.

New spelling words will be up next week, but the test won't be until Nov 6th.  

We hope everyone has a freaky Friday! 

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Thursday, October 22nd


1. Bring in your reading forms and have your parent sign them --- BRING FORMS IN TOMORROW for weekly tally

2. Halloween costume day Oct 29th

3. We are starting our poetry project! It will be due Monday, Nov 2 maybe..we will see how much work is done after tomorrow. 

4. We are walking to remember Chanie Wanjack who ran way from his residential school ...DRESS WARM

5. No school Oct 30th

Today we had our library day to exchange books then our walk with Mr. Sadowsky.  They walked about 1.5km. 

In math we had decimal word problems and computation problems to do, we continued them after poetry too.

We had poetry for about 1hr or more-ish today.

In social studies we learned about the electoral process and the wards of Calgary.

In science we learned all about what makes a deciduous tree deciduous and how that tree reproduces. 

We hope everyone has a thrift shop Thursday! 

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Wednesday, October 21st


1. Bring in your reading forms and have your parent sign them

2. Halloween costume day Oct 29th

3. We are starting our poetry project! It will be due Monday, Nov 2 maybe

4. We are walking to remember Chanie Wanjack who ran way from his residential school ...DRESS WARM

Today we started off with our reading and did our walk for Chanie Wanjack. 

In math, we graphed our walking, took the average for the days.  Then went back to focus on multiplication. 

Afterwards, we had 1 hour to work on our poetry anthology.  This was followed up by music and recess.

In science, I realized we couldn't do the water cycle until we did tree types. So we will be finishing our week learning about the differences between coniferous trees vs deciduous trees.

In social we finally finished our key term search for local government.

We hope everyone has a winter-wonderland Wednesday! 

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Tuesday, October 20th


1. Bring in your reading forms and have your parent sign them

2. Halloween costume day Oct 29th

3. We are starting our poetry project! It will be due Monday, Nov 2

4. We are walking to remember Chanie Wanjack who ran way from his residential school ...DRESS WARM

5. Poetry Anthology Due Nov 2nd ...maybe

Today we read and worked on our displayboard, I will post some pictures on Friday when it is done.

Today we walked about 1.8km which was up from Monday's 1.5km.

In math we worked on our 2x2 and 2x3 multiplication problems and some with decimals.  

We had 1 hour to work on our poetry projects.  FOCUS is rough copies first!

In science we finished off the nutrient cycle and will be starting the water cycle.

In social we had a key term search for all the key terms regarding local government.

We hope everyone has Toontastic Tuesday! 

Monday, 19 October 2020

Monday, October 19th


1. Bring in your reading forms and sign them 

2. Halloween costume day Oct 29th

3. We are starting our poetry project! It will be due Monday, Nov 2

4. We are walking to remember Chanie Wanjack who ran way from his residential school ...DRESS WARM

Today we read and had a class chat.

We then learned the steps to multiply with decimals.

We started our poetry project.  I will post it on another post, this will be our main focus for LA the next 2 weeks.

For social studies we did current events and talked about "The Walk for Chanie Wanjack."  We looked up his life story, watched videos, and reviewed the impact of attending a residential school.  The students answered reflection questions on it.  We will be building a display board outside our classroom graphing how much we walk each day and in total for the week.  We will also highlight information about residential schools and this awareness cause.

In the afternoon we had mindfulness and recess then did some textbook work about the local government and some key term hunting. 

We hope everyone has a Marvel Comic Monday! 

Friday, 16 October 2020

Friday, October 16th


1. Dress for the weather

Today we did the spelling test. I forgot my mark book at home, so the tests will be returned Monday to be signed and brought back.

After spelling, correcting, and marking it we started a giant art project.

The project can be found here http://arteascuola.com/2018/04/tree-in-warm-cool-colors/

It involves, drawing, pastels, water colour blending and using hot vs cold colours. 

We had a lot of fun doing it.

After we finished, we cleaned up the room and went outside for gym. 

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Thursday, October 15th


1. Dress for the weather! 

2. Keep reading nightly and get your parents to sign it.

3. IPPs have been sent home to be signed and returned please.

Today we got new library books and read for a bit.   After gym we did mathletics with a focus on decimal adding and subtracting.

In LA we worked on our ballads.

In science we learned about life cycles, and complex food webs.

In music they played with the tubes.

In the afternoon we had virtual reading buddies...ask them about it!  Was pretty cool once we fixed all the kinks.

We hope everyone has a thoughtful Thursday!

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Wednesday, October 14th


1. Picture day this Thursday! Be looking sharp

2. The weather is getting colder, please dress appropriately! 

3. Please be doing your nightly reading and having your parents sign it. 

Today we read and did gym outside! We had fun in the snow with soccer and building snowmen.

In math we focussed on adding and subtracting decimals.  

In science we continued to learn about the nutrient cycle and focussed in on decomposers today by watching "The Rot Club" of the Magic School Bus with a hand out. 

In social we learned more about structure of local government.

In LA we learned about the Ballad poem and how tragic they are.  The students will be writing them tomorrow.  Today we planned out our ideas.

We hope everyone has a whimsical Wednesday! 

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Tuesday, October 13th


1. Picture day this Thursday! Be looking sharp

2. The weather is getting colder, please dress appropriately! 

3. Please be doing your nightly reading and having your parents sign it. 

Today I had to support in the office with Mr. Hebert away so we had a sub for the morning.

The students read and had gym with Mr. Sadowsky. 

In math we are focussing on adding and subtracting decimals this week.

In LA more poetry continued, tomorrow we will be doing Odes and Thursday Ballads.

In science we started to learn about food chains and nutrient cycle.

In social we explored and researched 10 bylaws in Calgary on their own and how much is fine is.  We also looked at the 4th reason we have a local government: to give the people a voice and the 7 ways we have a voice.

We hope everyone has Tubular Tuesday!

Thursday, 8 October 2020

Thursday, October 8th


1. No school Friday or Monday

2. Spelling Test #3 - October 16th 

3. Nightly reading for reading competition - record your minutes. 

This week's total: 783mins!   Let's beat this total next week! 

Today I was away until 1230pm to see a specialist about my back.   There was an accident in the summer and I have to get some work done on it throughout year. 

The students were great for the sub, or so her note told me.  

Made my month when I walked back into the room and they gave me cheers and applause, so you've all raised great children!

They had mathletics with a focus on adding and subtraction. In LA they had some new poems; a mystery poem, I HAVE A DREAM acrostic poem, and the two-sided opposite poem. 

In social studies they learned more about the local government by working through the textbook and verbally taking up questions. 

In science we continued with our key term spelling list; looking up the definitions and researching / coming up with their own examples for the term. 

We hope everyone has a turkey Thursday!  And an amazing long weekend filled with friends, family, smiles, and great food! 

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Wednesday, October 7th


1. No school Friday or Monday

2. Spelling Test #3 - October 16th 

3. Nightly reading for reading competition - record your minutes. 

Today we got our new library books, yahoo! Just in time for the reading competition!  We had 4 team soccer outside after reading.

In math we had our first big assessment, I will be doing a lot of marking this weekend and lots of marks will be returned Tuesday.  The students were really respectful of others still working when they finished.

In LA we learned about limericks, sensory poems and haikus. 

In social studies we learned about bylaws; how they are created, why they are, and what they do.

In science we looked up the science spelling word list for their definitions and examples of each.  We will continue this tomorrow. 

We hope everyone has a weird Wednesday! 

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Tuesday, October 6th


1. No school Friday or Monday

2. Math quiz tomorrow on place value - study using your worksheets or Mathletics tonight!

3. Spelling Test #3 - October 16th 

4. Nightly reading for reading competition.

Today we read and had gym with Mr. Sadowsky.  Then in math we took up yesterdays work before reviewing adding, subtracting and working with money.  

In poetry we worked on our poems from this week. 

In science we explored tree cookies, by tracing some real ones, counting the age of real ones, exploring the effects on tree; growing on hill, fire, drought, insects, broken limbs. 

In social we finished off the services in a city and are started about how the city makes money to pay for the services. 

We hope everyone has a Taco Tuesday! 

At home reading challenge for month of October!

 Dear parents,

We are starting a reading challenge for this month with at home reading.  The students all have sheets in their backpack please can you make sure they fill it out if they read at home.  Every week we will add up our classes totals to make it easier to track with the first total being this Thursday.  There will be a prize for the top class of the month! 

Let's get those reading minutes up! 

Spelling Test #3 - October 16th

 Spelling Words – Trees and Forests Test #3 October 16th

  1. habitat
  2. canopy
  3. understory
  4. subfloor* (sub-floor – alternative spelling)
  5. organism
  6. leaves
  7. producers
  8. nutrients
  9. deciduous
  10. coniferous
  11. bacteria                     
  12. emergent
  13. biodiversity
  14. ecosystem
  15. decomposers

We will be doing sentences in class with the words this week:

Spelling Sentences


Bacteria:  Bacteria are decomposers and among the smallest living organisms on our planet.

Monday, 5 October 2020

Literacy Month Launch

 -This month will be literacy month

-Encourage students to bring in their favourite book or story.

-Encourage parents to read at home with their children

  • This week a tally sheet for home reading will be put into your mailbox 
Let's win room 19 and get that prize from Mr. Hebert! 

Monday, October 5th


1. Math quiz on place value, decimal place value, number expression this WEDNESDAY

2. Spelling test #3 Oct 16th - words to be posted this week

3. No school Friday or Monday    

Today we started off with reading and gym (soccer). 

We switched it up and did social studies first for a change and started our local government unit.  We started by learning about citizen vs people, what is democracy, and what services a city needs / what people need from a city.

In science we continued our exploration of tree cookies.

In LA we worked on 4 new poems; diamante,  tanka, pyramid and dialogue poems

In math we explored decimal numbers on a number line, written form and expanded forms and then dove into real world decimals ... aka working with money in word problems

We hope everyone has a magic Monday! 

Friday, 2 October 2020

Friday, October 2nd

 Today was a quick day! We read and went over the Terry Fox fundraising results.  We had gym with Mr. Sadowsky, did some mathletics.  Then we explored how Google Classroom and online work will happen this year. 

We then ended with exploring more parts of a tree and their function.

The earned a kickball match with me for raising the most money to end the day.

We hope everyone has a freaky Friday!

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Thursday, October 1st


1. Spelling Test 2 Oct 2nd words are posted in a previous blog

2. Book orders due at the end of the month ...see blog post about them ...I will be checking them online this weekend to see if anyone posted any orders :) 

----WE RAISED $525.25 in our class alone!  Feel free to donate online (see previous Terry Fox post for link) or can bring in money tomorrow!

Today in class we dressed me up!  I will post pictures of me tomorrow.

Then we read and did our Terry Fox run, we ran a total of 398 laps as a class! Kyte and Alex took top honours for most laps! 

We took a stretch break and chatted about our run and did some math with it.

We then focussed on place value as we will be having a quiz next week, date TBD.

In LA we continued yesterday's 4 poems, and add 3 new ones today; cinquain, acrostic and Japanese lantern poem.

In social we explored Terry Fox's far reaching affects on the world.

In science we learned about tree growth and tree parts.

We hope everyone has a thrilling Thursday!

Pillars of Care Winners for September and reasons why!

These the winners for Room 19 for tomorrow's award ceremony!

Great work to everyone!

Care for Others: Raina - She has been so helpful with the new students in the classroom in helping them with getting set up, learning the new school rules, and the classroom expectations.  Keep up the kindness and helpful spirit!

Care for Learning:  Diamond - She has been an exemplary student so far this year!  She’s completed all work on time to a high degree of excellence.  She also isn’t shy about letting the teacher use some of her work as examples for the other students.

Care for Place: Kaden - He has been very helpful with technology clean up, setting an example with cleaning his desk, putting on his mask, sanitizing his hands, and helping ensuring everyone is safe and sound

Care for Self: Mariah - She always makes sure she cares for herself by following the new school rules regarding Covid and safety at all times, doing her work on time, and advocating for herself by asking questions whenever she is stuck or curious.

Pillar of the Month:  Sadie - Sadie is always riding a bike to school, participates in gym class, plays at recess and is a very active young lady! She also shows wellness by following all of the school and society rules regarding masks, social distancing, and washing her hands.  Thank you for being such a great example.