1. Dress festive tomorrow
2. Pillars of Care assembly
3. No school Jan 3rd ... return of classes Jan 4th
4. Last night to shop for Mr. Shackelton ;) I kid I kid
Today we worked on our science myths and solar systems. Then we had carols.
Then we did probability games.
Read Harry Potter 1 and watched it.
In the afternoon we did that Minecraft Challenge.
We hope everyone has a truffle Thursday!
the Judith Umbach branch is the closest one--the address is 6617 Centre Street North.
1. Food bank and loonies for lunch donations.
2. Patroller forms sent home to be signed and returned.
Themed Days:
Here’s the links for your class’ videos:
Hey all,
My student teacher, Ms. Elliot, picked the winners this month. All these students are very deserving. Here is what she had to say:
Care for Others: Leara - Leara shows great empathy for her classmates. She will check if others are okay when they seem upset and is always able to put a smile on mine or her classmates faces. When one of her classmates didn’t have a snack, she didn’t hesitate to share hers with her fellow classmate.
Care for Learning: Aaliyah - Aaliyah has been trying extra hard lately in math. She is taking responsibility for her learning by asking questions when she doesn’t understand and asking to be given extra help questions so she can practice outside of class.
Care for Place: Chance - Chance shows respect for our classroom every day. He is quick to clean up even if he didn’t make the mess. He swept our whole floor after our trees and forest science project left the classroom in shambles.The class looked good as new!
Care for Self: Massa - Massa was very brave and brought another student’s inappropriate behavior to a teacher’s attention. It can be scary to do this, but Massa knew it was the right thing to do. By doing this it shows her care for herself and her peers. Now she and her peers can feel safe outside before and after school.
Pillar of the Month: Carman - Carman understands that she is always learning. Even after mastering a skill, she doesn’t stop pushing herself because she knows there is always more she can learn. She shows empathy for her classmates by never gloating after her achievements. Carman shows great character in her ability to be modest through all of her successes.
2. Food bank and loonies for lunch donations.
3. Patroller forms sent home to be signed and returned.
Themed Days:
1. Spelling Test 7 sent home to be signed and returned
2. Science Quiz sent home to signed and returned
3. Food bank and loonies for lunch donations.
4. Patroller forms sent home to be signed and returned.
Themed Days:
1. Spelling Test 7 sent home to be signed and returned
2. Science Quiz sent home to signed and returned
3. Food bank and loonies for lunch donations.
4. Patroller forms sent home to be signed and returned.
Themed Days:
1. Spelling Test 7 - Friday (words post on a previous post)
2. Science Quiz - Friday (topics to be studied on previous post)
3. Poetry projects sent home to be signed. Please return the rubric signed.
4. Food bank and loonies for lunch donations.
5. Basic fact quizzes sent home to be signed and returned.
6. Science project rubrics sent home to be signed and returned.
7. Patroller forms sent home to be signed and returned.
Themed Days:
Today we worked on our science research projects. Then we did our final reading comprehension quiz of the year ;) it was about asteroids and comets.
After that we had snack, recess, and learned about what is volume and how to solve volume problems in math.
In gym we had basketball, then we had lunch, recess, mindfulness, and did kahoots about trees and forests to help study for the test on Friday.
We hope everyone has Welcoming Wednesday!
Themed Days:
1. Spelling Test 7 - Friday (words post on a previous post)
2. Science Quiz - Friday (topics to be studied on previous post)
3. Poetry projects sent home to be signed. Please return the rubric signed.
4. Food bank and loonies for lunch donations.
5. Basic fact quizzes sent home to be signed and returned.
Today we did a kahoot to study for the science test before basketball in gym. After gym we did our basic fact quizzes then we corrected them. While waiting for others to finish students worked on their cities for social studies.
In sky science we are starting a planet investigation / research project and the class had time to work on it.
In the afternoon we did some science presentations, a class clean up and then did our weekly Tuesday coding. Our coding program ends next Tuesday, but students can still code at home with their log ins.
We hope everyone has a tooooo much Tuesday!
1. Spelling Test 7 - Friday (words post on a previous post)
2. Science Quiz - Friday (topics to be studied on previous post)
3. Science Projects - 4 students did not hand it in, they have until tomorrow to submit
4. Poetry projects sent home to be signed. Please return the rubric signed.
5. Basic Fact quiz tomorrow
6. Food bank and loonies for lunch donations.
Today we did sky science for the first hour. After music we handed back the poetry project and went through it and explained the marks to them. Then we read Harry Potter until math. In math we did the area of triangles and L shapes. In the afternoon some students presented their awesome science projects, then we did kahoots to study for Friday's quiz. We will do some every day to help the kids study.
We hope everyone has a magical Monday!
Spelling Test 7 - this Friday
Novel Study
1. SCIENCE PROJECT DUE MONDAY! - project and write up!
2. Spelling tests sent home to be signed.
3. Mayor's Food Drive - dry food and canned good please
4. Loonies for Lunches to help the homeless
Today was a busy day!
We started off with mathletics with a focus measurement. Then we had the final hour I promised them to touch up their projects and do their write ups.
Then had music with Mr. Wiens and did our spelling test.
We had our kindness box and appreciation circle which was awesome.
The day ended with us learning about emitting vs reflecting in space.
We hope everyone has a Funimation Friday!
1. Spelling Test #6 Friday!
2. Last day of in class time for science tomorrow --- Due Monday Dec 6th!
3. Mayor's food bank --- BRING IN ANY CANNED OR DRIED GOODS for the less fortunate.
4. Loonies for Lunch - same as above but bring in a loonie to help homeless people for their lunches
Today we worked on science until music. In LA we focused on chapter 3 of HP1. We have some questions to answer tomorrow about it before moving to chapter 4.
In math we moved onto area of squares, rectangles, and L - shapes. We will be continuing with this for the rest of the week.
In the afternoon we did our coding / students had more time to get their science projects finished.
We hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday!
1. Crazy Hair Day TOMORROW!
2. Spelling Test #6 Friday!
3. Last day of in class time for science tomorrow --- Due Monday Dec 6th!
Today we worked on our science for 1.5hrs. Then we did a big clean in the class.
We continued with perimeter using conversion and missing sides of polygons.
Then we went through our big math spelling list, and they students have to use each one in a sentence properly.
After that we did our HP novel study and had gym. We are doing floor hockey in gym.
In the afternoon we had some of the Calgary Stampeders working with Telus to do an anti-bullying presentation for the grade 6s. It was really well done.
Then we went back to the novel study to end the day.
We hope everyone has a musical Monday!
December Spirit Day is the last day of school this term, Friday Dec 17th, and it will be Festive Holiday themed. That could mean, ugly holiday sweaters, dress as Santa or his elves or his reindeer or a snowmen/women, or even a lit-up holiday tree! Basically, anything to get into that holiday cheer!
November Spirit is this Tuesday, Nov 30th, and it is crazy hair day! Students and staff will wear their craziest hair styles they can whip up this Tuesday!
1. Powerschool bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews
2. Parent teacher interviews Next Thurs and Fri
3. No school Friday
Last in class working day Tuesday, Nov 30th.
Project due Monday Dec 6th
Today we did our science project and then fitness week in gym. We continued the day with mathletics. In LA we did our reading assessment that we do every 3 weeks, when students finished they could work on their science.
In the afternoon we had lunch, recess, mindfulness, then we had our weekly health visit from SoupeStars program. Today's focus was how to shop in grocery stores. I even learned some tips!
We hope everyone has a Turkey Thursday, and an excellent weekend.
1. Powerschool bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews
2. Parent teacher interviews Next Thurs and Fri
3. LA and Math tests sent home to be signed
4. Basic facts and spelling quizzes sent home to be signed
5. No school Friday
Today was quite the day! We worked science to start the day, and had music. We worked on social cities then continued HP1 adventure.
In math we started perimeter in measurement, by exploring polygons with missing sides.
In the afternoon we worked on science after the assembly. The class was great during the assembly.
We hope everyone has a chicken wing Wednesday!
1. Powerschool bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews
2. Parent teacher interviews Next Thurs and Fri
3. LA and Math tests sent home to be signed
4. Basic facts and spelling quizzes sent home to be signed
5. No school Friday
6. Pillars of Care Assembly Wednesday Afternoon, winners have been notified
Today we worked on our science project until 930am. Then we continued our HP1 novel study until recess and snack.
Then we continued to learn about to convert units of measurement before gym.
In the afternoon we had our robo coding period.
We hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday!
1. Powerschool bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews
2. Parent teacher interviews Next Thurs and Fri
3. LA and Math tests sent home to be signed
4. Basic facts and spelling quizzes sent home to be signed
5. No school Friday
6. Pillars of Care Assembly Wednesday Afternoon, winners have been notified
Today we read and worked on our cities. In math we started our new unit, measurement. We will be working on unit conversion this week before starting perimeter + area +volume. In gym we started a new unit, fitness. Students will be doing timed exercises and rotating through a variety of each this week.
In science we continued with our diorama project. We also started our novel study on Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone!
We still don't have a due for the science project, we will see how far the students get this week and make one.
We hope everyone has a muggle Monday!
1. Powerschool bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews start tomorrow.
2. Parent teacher interviews Next Thurs and Fri
3. LA and Math tests sent home to be signed
4. Basic facts and spelling quizzes sent home to be signed
Today we did our mathletics school challenge and tried to do as many correct quizzes as we could in an hour.
After that we did our spelling quiz, basic fact quiz and peer assessed both of them.
We then had snack and worked on our social cities.
After that we had time to work on our big science project that I will get up for you guys to see at some point today or this weekend.
We hope everyone has a fabulous Friday!
With the holiday season soon approaching it's important to care for others and give back to those who are less fortunate than us. This holiday season, Beddington Heights School will be a part of 2 programs that the city of Calgary runs for those less fortunate.
1. Spelling Test Friday - 18 word list! It was posted last week
2. Basic Fact quiz Friday
3. Powerschool bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews start tomorrow.
4. Parent teacher interviews Next Thurs and Fri
5. LA and Math tests sent home to be signed
Today we started off with reading and went to the library. We then introduced the big bad diorama science project. I will post the project and rubric tomorrow.
We had music and started our local government unit by talking about what services a city has to pay for.
We then worked on long division to get ready for the quiz tomorrow.
In the afternoon we learned about the benefits of exercising 60mins a day in our SoupeStars program!
We hope everyone has a thunderous Thursday!
PS: check out the lunar eclipse tonight! 98% partial cover and the biggest lunar eclipse in over 600 years!
1. Get your poems done! I am very disappointed some students don't know how to do work at home. You are in grade 6 now and it will only get harder next year! --- 4 students not done yet.
2. Spelling Test Friday - 18 word list! It was posted last week
3. Basic Fact quiz Friday
4. Powerschool bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews start tomorrow.
5. Parent teacher interviews Next Thurs and Fri
6. LA and Math tests sent home to be signed
Today we read to start the day and worked on our spelling sentences and examples.
Then we did a really big science lesson about human interactions and conservation, tourism, and forestry. Then we talked about how to get an indigenous perspective into those as well as sustainability.
Then we did LA peer assessment and 3 math peer assessments before ending our day with mathletics.
We hope everyone a wacky Wednesday!
Congrats to the November Winners for the Pillars of Care Assembly this month!
Care for Others: SImon - He has been sharing his personal technology with other students in the class, helping to get laptop carts, helping others to clean tech, and helping others put away their items properly. Thank you for all the extra help Simon.
Care for Learning: Massa - She has been crushing all of her assessments, assignments, and in class activities to the best of her abilities. She wrote excellent poems in her project and even wrote an outstanding ballad.
Care for Place: Adam - Without being asked Adam cleans up his spot and his group’s spot. He always volunteers to clean laptops, to go return them, and always makes sure spare laptops are charging. Keep up the great work.
Care for Self: Hafsa - She missed some time with us this month, but she did not miss any assignments, assessments, and important class tasks. Thank you for caring for self by resting up and caring for yourself by ensuring you didn’t miss any work!
1. Get your poems done! I am very disappointed some students don't know how to do work at home. You are in grade 6 now and it will only get harder next year!
2. Spelling Test Friday - 18 word list! It was posted last week
Today we read, worked on spelling and then did volleyball.
We then continued learning about human interactions with the forest, and hoping to get to the end of unit task Thursday for trees and forests.
In social we continued to design our cities.
In math we did another graphing assessment, we will be marking all 3 tomorrow as a group.
We also had our end of unit poetry quiz today. We will be marking that tomorrow as a class.
Then we ended the day with the robo coding program I signed the school up for.
We hope everyone has a toothy Tuesday!
2. Poetry / lit term quiz Tuesday Nov 16th ... I posted a review today.
3. Poetry Project due Monday Nov 15th ------ new!
4. Nov book orders due Nov 24th
5. Please register for parent teacher interviews.
Today we had an hour to work on our poems, then we went to the library. After the library we had recess and snack and read until the assembly started. We had an awesome wreath for it and the students were great during the assembly.
After that we did a couple graphing worksheets and had volleyball with Mrs. Sterne.
In the afternoon we worked on completely our IRIS math, LA, and health goals for the year. We will be sharing these at parent teacher interviews. Then students had more time to work on their poetry project.
We hope everyone has a wisdom Wednesday.
1. Pictures due Nov 8th. --- today online
2. Poetry / lit term quiz Tuesday Nov 16th ... I will post a review today.
3. Poetry Project due Monday Nov 15th ------ new!
4. Nov book orders due Nov 24th
5. Remembrance Day assembly tomorrow at 10am
6. Please register for parent teacher interviews.
Today we finished our wreath for the first hour, it looks amazing! Then we continued to work on our serving and hitting before scrimmaging in volleyball.
After volleyball, we had an hour to work on our poems. The students asked if they could work through their snack and recess break, and of course I said yes.
After that we worked on our graphing skills. We graphed the data of our Walk for Wenjack. We did line graphs, bar graphs, triple line graphs, triple bar graphs, and even a pie chart. Everything will be hung up tomorrow.
In the afternoon we our Tuesday coding, and students who felt they needed this time for their poetry project worked on that.
We hope everyone has a Twisted Tuesday!
Get Your Christmas On....
Beddington Heights Elementary Parent Council is happy to announce their first fundraiser of the year, Growing Smiles. They are selling beautiful poinsettias, wreaths, boughs, outdoor greenery and indoor planter.
The Campaign will run from November 5th -19th, 2021.
Pick up will be December 3rd. Details to follow
Thank you for your interest and your continued support of our school
1. Pictures due Nov 8th. --- today online
2. Poetry / lit term quiz Tuesday Nov 16th
3. Poetry Project due Monday Nov 15th ------ new!
4. Nov book orders due Nov 24th
Today in class we worked on our poetry project for an hour before music. After music we had DEAR and gym. In gym we worked on serving, hitting, and playing a game of volleyball.
In math, we worked on our display board which is about graphing and the Chanie Wenjack walk.
In the afternoon, after mindfulness, we worked on our wreath for the assembly this Wednesday. We will be finishing it tomorrow.
We hope everyone has a magical Monday!
1. Spelling Test #3 Friday ---- tomorrow!
2. Pictures due Nov 8th
3. Poetry / lit term quiz Nov 10th
4. Poetry Project due Monday Nov 15th ------ new!
Hey all, I was away yesterday but the class was amazing!
Today we started long division and will be doing this tomorrow as well. In LA we worked on our poetry project and I taught some students who wanted to learn about a ballad, how to do one.
In science we learned about the nutrient cycle and the life cycle of tree.
We then did our science spelling definitions and practiced for the quiz tomorrow.
In the afternoon we had our soupestar health lesson. This one was about stranger danger.
We hope everyone has a Thor's Hammer Thursday!
1. Spelling Test #3 Friday
2. Spelling test sent home to be signed
3. Pictures due Nov 8th
4. Poetry Project due Tuesday Nov 9th
Today we read, then did a health lesson about vaccinates and immunizations for tomorrow. We then had music and had an hour to work on our poetry project.
Then we did our basic fact quiz and marked it together.
We ended the day with our coding program.
We hope everyone has a tremor Tuesday!
1. Basic Fact quiz tomorrow
2. Spelling Test #3 Friday
3. Spelling test sent home to be signed
Today we read to start the day then did our spelling test and peer assessment. After that we got new words and had to look up their definitions.
In LA we worked on our poetry project and had a lockdown. Our class did great!
After recess and snack. After that had science and learned the difference between food chains and food webs. Then we looked at some native to Alberta.
We did our IRIS goal setting in the afternoon for math, LA, and health. But the website was down to type them in.
We then ended the day with mathletics looking at statistics as we will be graphing our walks from the Channie Wenjack week and the other grade 6 classes too.
We hope everyone has a meaty Monday!
1. Spelling Test 2 MONDAY ...we didn't have time
2. Basic Fact Quiz Monday (practice mathletics 30mins a night)
We did some reading and class cleaning to start the day.
Then we had the assembly followed by the social quiz and snack.
The class had music then mathletics / time to work on their poetry project.
We ended the day with gym.
We hope everyone has a freaky Friday!
1. Spelling Test 2 Friday (see previous posts)
2. Social Test Friday (see previous posts)
3. COSTUME DAY FRIDAY - don't bring any props
4. Basic Fact Quiz Monday (practice mathletics 30mins a night)
5. Science tests sent home to be signed and returned and previous math tests.
Hello from room 19! Today we started with the library and got new books. Students can bring home library books now, please don't loose them.
Then we worked on our spelling sentences, and studied for our social test using the textbook and our notes.
In gym we did badminton games.
In LA we started our final poetry booklet project. I will post it Monday once I iron a few things out with my grade team for it. No due date yet, but we will give them 2 weeks of in class time for it and decide next week.
In math we continued working on our multiplication skills, we will be starting long division next week.
In science we started to learn about food chains, food webs, and the nutrient cycle.
In the afternoon we had mindfulness and Soupestars guest speaker about nutrients and what is in the food we eat.
Also today we met our student teacher, Ms. Elliott. She will be starting full time Nov 15th - Dec 20th. She will be teaching math, then science.
We hope everyone has a thunderous Thursday and don't forget to dress up tomorrow.
1. Spelling Test 2 Friday (see previous posts)
2. Social Test Friday (see previous posts)
3. COSTUME DAY FRIDAY - don't bring any props
4. Basic Fact Quiz Monday (practice mathletics 30mins a night)
5. Science tests sent home to be signed and returned.
Today we worked on our spelling sentences after reading. Then had music and did a review about decision making that took longer than expected. We started our science food web adventure with Bill Nye before ending the day learning about Author's Purpose in poetry.
We hope everyone has a wacky Wednesday!
1. Spelling Test 2 Friday (see previous posts)
2. Social Test Friday (see previous posts)
3. COSTUME DAY FRIDAY - don't bring any props
4. Basic Fact Quiz Monday (practice mathletics 30mins a night)
5. Science tests sent home to be signed and returned.
Sorry everyone I was away yesterday to get some medical attention.
We read and then did our spelling sentences. After that we returned the concrete poems and science tests I marked. Then went over feedback for each.
We then we reviewed for the social test, and will continue to do this week for an hour each day.
In math we focused on multiplication and division word problems.
In the afternoon we had coding, mindfulness, recess, and lunch.
We hope everyone has a Guardians of the Galaxy tribute Tuesday.
Care for Others: Sloane - Sloane has been a key player in helping quite a few students during our social skits, and during our decimal arithmetic! Thank you so much Sloane!
Care for Learning: Carman - She has received top marks this year in every major assessment! Keep up the outstanding work!
Care for Place: Max - He has volunteered on his own to help others clean their spots, wipe down laptops, and make sure they are all plugged in and charging before bringing them to the next class! Thank you so much Max!
Care for Self: Chance - Chance has been on a hot streak in gym, math, art, and social skits. In groups he always does his part to the best of his ability. Likewise, on solo tasks, he has also been putting in top effort and earning top marks!
Pillar of the Month: Rilley - He is one of the most honest students in the school. He is true to himself in his school work and with how he treats other students. He also was a big contributor to our kindness box this month. Never change RIlley!