Friday, 26 February 2021

Pillar of Care Winners!

Pillar of Care Winners for February!

Care for Others: Blake shows care for others by consistently holding the door open for them when they come in from recess. 

Care for Learning: Amy shows care for her learning by implementing skills that she has learned in the classroom into her home life.

Care for Place: Dawson shows care for place by cleaning garbage up in the classroom even if it isn’t his. 

Care for Self: Sadie shows care for herself by taking time to meditate and relax away from others when the classroom gets chaotic.

Pillar of the Month: Diamond shows kindness by standing up for her friends and helping others understand difficult concepts that we cover in class.

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Thursday, February 26th


1. Feb 26th Funky Sock Day and Pillars of Care

2. March 10 Virtual Safety Expo 

3. Posters will be marked and returned by Monday (hopefully)

4. Science projects are on going...we are hoping to get them all done this week.   After 2 days of it we are at 7/24. 

5. Space Art Friday! Yahoo! 

Today the class was great for a visit from the Calgary Police about online harassment and internet safety.

We did our math quizzes, and did some reflections on appreciation circles.  We researched some pictures / celestial objects from space for our pastel/paint combo art project tomorrow.

Then science presentations all afternoon.  We have 6/24 to go tomorrow and hopefully we get them in!

We hope everyone has a terrific Thursday!

Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Wednesday, February 24th


2. Feb 25th police officer visit

3. Feb 26th Funky Sock Day and Pillars of Care

4. March 10 Virtual Safety Expo 

5. Posters will be marked and returned by Monday (hopefully)

6. Science projects are on going...we are hoping to get them all done this week.   After 2 days of it we are at 7/24. 

7. MATH QUIZZES Thursday ---- basic facts and integers ---- practice on mathletics! 

8. Space Art Friday! Yahoo! 

Today the class was great for the lacrosse matches we did!  We had an awesome pink shirt day for Telus live event and then did a research project where we made a class playlist of songs that empower us / have good messages.

In LA we worked on using powerful verbs to build towards story writing. 

We had music and then science presentations before we ended the day finishing off our music research! 

We hope everyone has wacky Wednesday! 

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Tuesday, February 23rd


1. Feb 24th Telus Anti Bullying Presentation & Pink Shirt Day!

2. Feb 25th police officer visit

3. Feb 26th Funky Sock Day and Pillars of Care

4. March 10 Virtual Safety Expo 

5. Posters will be marked and returned by Monday (hopefully)

6. Science projects are on going...we are hoping to get them all done this week.   After 2 days of it we are at 7/24. 

7. MATH QUIZZES Thursday ---- basic facts and integers ---- practice on mathletics! 

8. Space Art Friday! Yahoo! 

Today we read and worked on our display board for the hallway.  We played lacrosse matches in gym with them having to pass 3 times before the team could shoot.

In math we worked on brushing up our basic fact skills, especially multiplying decimals and long division.

In LA we are working with using more juicy words / adjectives in our writing.

In social we started a bit of Ancient Athens but I realized we needed that time for science presentations.

The students who presented today were great! 

Don't forget to wear pink tomorrow!

We hope everyone has tune-tastic Tuesday! 

Friday, 19 February 2021

Friday, February 19th


1. Posters  FINAL DEADLINE Monday - Parents will be called if I don't have it Monday ---4 students did not complete

2. Science presentations start Monday!  ----7 students need to work on it this weekend, please ask your child if they are one

3. Feb 24th Telus Anti Bullying Presentation & Pink Shirt Day!

4. Feb 25th police officer visit

5. Feb 26th Funky Sock Day and Pillars of Care

6. March 10 Virtual Safety Expo 

Hey parents!  I was away Thursday with stomach issues.  Apparently the students were great during the lockdown and had a good day overall.

Today we did the Junior Achievers Program: A Business of our Own.  The students created their own companies and had to talk about the type of people they would hire,  how they will make money, their name, their logo, their target audience, and how to do a good pitch for investors.  

We ended the day with Mathletics for most, and the rest had some time to work on their science / practice their presentation or finish their poster.

We hope everyone has Fantastic Four Friday!

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Wednesday, February 17th


1. Feb 19th J.A. Day

2. Posters due Feb 19th FINAL DEADLINE

3. Science presentations start Thursday, ALL of them will happen by Feb 22nd

4. Feb 23/25 police officer visit

5. Feb 24th Telus Anti Bullying Presentation & Pink Shirt Day!

6. Feb 26th Funky Sock Day and Pillars of Care

7. March 10 Virtual Safety Expo 

Today was an awesome day! We read and did some reading cards, worked on our passes and shot aiming for lacrosse in gym.  In math we did word problem stations for integers.  In LA we focussed on adverbs and how to use them in our stories and dialogue.  In the afternoon besides lunch, recess, and mindfulness, the students had 1hr 45mins to work on science or social or both.

Posters are due this Friday for me to mark on the weekend and science presentations start tomorrow and Monday! 

We hope everyone has a wacky Wednesday! 

PS: we are having a lockdown tomorrow, please talk to your child about the importance of this and being quiet during it.

Thank you! 

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Tuesday, February 16th


1. Feb 19th J.A. Day

2. Feb 23/25 police officer visit

3. March 11 Safety Expo

4. Feb 24th Telus Anti Bullying Presentation & Pink Shirt Day!

5. Posters due Feb 19th FINAL DEADLINE

6. Science presentations start Thursday, ALL of them will happen by Feb 22nd

7. Feb 26th Funky Sock Day and Pillars of Care

Today in class we read and caught up about the long weekend.   We are doing word problems with integers.

In LA we did our final lesson on dialogue! We are excited to move on tomorrow and keep building our writing tool belts.

In social we had a long talk about expectations, homework, and managing your time on the weekends and after school.

In science we continued with our  research projects.  Some students will be practicing their presentation skills tomorrow with a group audience. 

We hope everyone has a telepathic Tuesday! 

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Wednesday, February 10th



1. Space / Weather research project due  Thursday Feb 18th  ... presentations start then! 

2. Social Studies Persuasive Poster project due .... Wednesday Feb 17th  -- new date! 

3. Reading Give it a Shot ... do your nightly readings! 

4. Jump Rope for Heart fundraising ... cool prizes to be won! 

5. Junior Achievers Day - Feb 19th - we will be focussing on financial literacy that day.

Today I was called out of the class to be the A.P.  But the class has been amazing so far!

We read and did some competitions in gym centering around Jump Rope for Heart activities. 

In LA we focussed on the 5th and 6th rules of dialogue.  

In math, we did Mathletics.  Grade 6s focussed on integers, Grade 5s focussed on basic skills and order of operations.

After music and recess we had social to work on our posters.  If students didn't want to do their posters today, they could use the art supplies in the classroom to make Valentines Cards for whomever they wanted to. 

After lunch, mindfulness, recess, we had 1 hour to work on science projects before cleaning the class for the long weekend.

We hope everyone has a whimsical Wednesday! 

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Tuesday, February 9th


1. Space / Weather research project due  Tuesday Feb 18th  ... presentations start then! 

2. Social Studies Persuasive Poster project due .... Thursday Feb 16th 

3. Reading Give it a Shot ... do your nightly readings! 

4. G.P. Vanier open house for Parents Feb 9th 6-730pm, on their school website is the link. 

5. Sir John Franklin Virtual Open Houses Jan 21 -Feb 9th ...visit their school website for more info!

6. Jump Rope for Heart fundraising ... cool prizes to be won! 

7. Junior Achievers Day - Feb 19th - we will be focussing on financial literacy that day.

Hey everyone!  Today was our classic reading / handing out hockey cards to start the day. 

In gym its competition week for Jump Rope for Heart!   

In math we working on using reverse operations to solve integer problems.

In LA we are working with dialogue tags to improve our conversation. 

In social and science we continued to work on our projects.  Today we reviewed the mark rubrics to remind students about everything they are being evaluated on. 

We hope everyone has Tubular Tuesday! 


Monday, February 8th


1. Space / Weather research project due  Thursday Feb 18th  ... presentations start then! 

2. Social Studies Persuasive Poster project due .... Tuesday Feb 16th 

3. Reading Give it a Shot ... do your nightly readings! 

4. G.P. Vanier open house for Parents Feb 9th 6-730pm, on their school website is the link. 

5. Sir John Franklin Virtual Open Houses Jan 21 -Feb 9th ...visit their school website for more info!

6. Jump Rope for Heart fundraising ... cool prizes to be won! 

7. Junior Achievers Day - Feb 19th - we will be focussing on financial literacy that day.

Today we collected our reading minutes and did some card handing-out, yahoo! In math we continued to work with integers and are adding in multiple numbers in the equations.   

In LA we are still working on writing proper dialogue. 

In science and social we worked on our projects and we assigned due dates! 

Friday, 5 February 2021

Friday, February 5th


1. Space / Weather research project due ..... TBD 

2. Social Studies Persuasive Poster project due .... Feb 10th / TBD

3. Reading Give it a Shot ... do your nightly readings! 

4. G.P. Vanier open house for Parents Feb 9th 6-730pm, on their school website is the link. 

5.  Sir John Franklin Virtual Open Houses Jan 21 -Feb 9th ...visit their school website for more info!

6. Jump Rope for Heart fundraising ... cool prizes to be won! 

We did some awesome art today, had gym, and did some math to end the day! 

G . P Vanier Info and Open house


Thursday, 4 February 2021

Thursday, February 4th


1. Space / Weather research project due ..... TBD 

2. Social Studies Persuasive Poster project due .... Feb 10th / TBD

3. Reading Give it a Shot ... do your nightly readings! 

4. G.P. Vanier open house for Parents Feb 9th 6-730pm, on their school website is the link. 

5.  Sir John Franklin Virtual Open Houses Jan 21 -Feb 9th ...visit their school website for more info!

6. Jump Rope for Heart fundraising ... cool prizes to be won! 

We had a great day of learning!  We worked on integers, dialogue, our poster project, and our science research project.

It was a whirlwind of a day!

We hope everyone has a Thermal Thursday! 

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Wednesday, February 3rd


1. Space / Weather research project due ..... TBD 

2. Social Studies Persuasive Poster project due .... Feb 10th / TBD

3. Reading Give it a Shot ... do your nightly readings! 

4. G.P. Vanier open house for Parents Feb 9th 6-730pm, on their school website is the link. 

5.  Sir John Franklin Virtual Open Houses Jan 21 -Feb 9th ...visit their school website for more info!

6. Jump Rope for Heart fundraising ... cool prizes to be won! 

Today we had a lot of fun in jump rope gym class. In LA we learned the rules of dialogue! We will be working more on this tomorrow. In Math did integers and basic facts on Mathletics. 

In social we are working on Canadian History-esq persuasive poster.

In science we went through what it takes to make a level 4 slide before working on our research project. 

We hope everyone has a wicked Wednesday! 

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Tuesday, February 2nd


1. Space / Weather research project due ..... TBD 

2. Social Studies Persuasive Poster project due .... Feb 10th / TBD

3. Reading Give it a Shot ... do your nightly readings! 

4. G.P. Vanier open house for Parents Feb 9th 6-730pm, on their school website is the link. 

5.  Sir John Franklin Virtual Open Houses Jan 21 -Feb 9th ...visit their school website for more info!

6. Jump Rope for Heart fundraising ... cool prizes to be won! 

Today in class we worked with integers on the number line.    In LA we worked on how to expand our rising actions in our plot.

In social we learned what makes a poster stand out and explored old famous posters throughout history. 

In science we continued with our research projects. 

We hope everyone has a taco Tuesday! 

Monday, 1 February 2021

Monday, February 1st


1. Space / Weather research project due ..... TBD 

2. Social Studies Persuasive Poster project due .... Feb 10th / TBD

3. Reading Give it a Shot ... do your nightly readings! 

4. G.P. Vanier open house for Parents Feb 9th 6-730pm, on their school website is the link. 

5.  Sir John Franklin Virtual Open Houses Jan 21 -Feb 9th ...visit their school website for more info!

6. Jump Rope for Heart fundraising ... cool prizes to be won! 

Today we read and some students got some cards for their efforts. 

In gym we started our Jump Rope for Heart unit.

In LA we continued with character creation and learning 5 types of expositions for stories to use.

In math we started our new unit, integers! 

We had music, and then learned about our social studies poster project.  We looked at old posters from the 1800s to today. 

In the afternoon, we had mindfulness, recess and worked on our science projects.  Tomorrow we will be tracking how much work gets done during class to see how many more days we will spend on it. 

We hope everyone a miraculous Monday! 

Social Studies Persuasive Poster Project