Friday, 17 December 2021

Friday, December 17th



Thursday, 16 December 2021

Thursday, December 16th


1. Dress festive tomorrow

2. Pillars of Care assembly 

3. No school Jan 3rd ... return of classes Jan 4th

4. Last night to shop for Mr. Shackelton ;) I kid I kid


Today we worked on our science myths and solar systems.  Then we had carols. 

Then we did probability games.

Read Harry Potter 1 and watched it.

In the afternoon we did that Minecraft Challenge. 

We hope everyone has a truffle Thursday! 

Closest Public Library

 the Judith Umbach branch is the closest one--the address is 6617 Centre Street North. 

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Wednesday, December 15th


1. Food bank and loonies for lunch donations. 

2. Patroller forms sent home to be signed and returned.


Themed Days:

Thursday Dec 16th - Plaid Day - Wear anything plaid to school to get in that lumber jack winter vibe. 

Friday Dec 17th - Winter break themed - ugly winter break sweaters - dress festive for the holiday

Today we worked on our science constellation project.  Then had music to get ready for the the class carolling tomorrow. On that topic you will be able to see the classes preform when the youtube links are up tomorrow at 5pm.

We did our math measurement unit test today. 

We read Harry Potter for 45 and watched the movie for 45.  In the afternoon we had indoor recess, mindfulness, school carolling and did the Minecraft Education challenge thing. 

We hope everyone has a wicked Wednesday! 

Winter Concert Videos

 Here’s the links for your class’ videos:



































Tuesday, 14 December 2021

December Pillars of Care Winners picked by Ms. Elliott

 Hey all,

My student teacher, Ms. Elliot, picked the winners this month.  All these students are very deserving.  Here is what she had to say:

Care for Others: Leara - Leara shows great empathy for her classmates. She will check if others are okay when they seem upset and is always able to put a smile on mine or her classmates faces. When one of her classmates didn’t have a snack, she didn’t hesitate to share hers with her fellow classmate. 

Care for Learning: Aaliyah - Aaliyah has been trying extra hard lately in math. She is taking responsibility for her learning by asking questions when she doesn’t understand and asking to be given extra help questions so she can practice outside of class.

Care for Place: Chance - Chance shows respect for our classroom every day. He is quick to clean up even if he didn’t make the mess. He swept our whole floor after our trees and forest science project left the classroom in shambles.The class looked good as new!

Care for Self: Massa - Massa was very brave and brought another student’s inappropriate behavior to a teacher’s attention. It can be scary to do this, but Massa knew it was the right thing to do. By doing this it shows her care for herself and her peers. Now she and her peers can feel safe outside before and after school. 

Pillar of the Month: Carman - Carman understands that she is always learning. Even after mastering a skill, she doesn’t stop pushing herself because she knows there is always more she can learn. She shows empathy for her classmates by never gloating after her achievements. Carman shows great character in her ability to be modest through all of her successes.

Tuesday, December 14th



2. Food bank and loonies for lunch donations. 

3. Patroller forms sent home to be signed and returned.

Themed Days:

Wednesday Dec 15th - Pyjama Day to kick off caroling 

Thursday Dec 16th - Plaid Day - Wear anything plaid to school to get in that lumber jack winter vibe. 

Friday Dec 17th - Winter break themed - ugly winter break sweaters - dress festive for the holiday

Today we had a class meeting to start the day and did DEAR time.  Then we read Harry Potter for about 45mins and watched the movie during both our recesses and snack time today. 

In math we practiced for the measurement quiz tomorrow.  We also did an area, perimeter, volume scavenger hunt around the class. 

In science we researched our favourite constellation and are going to rename it, and write our own myth about it. 

In the afternoon we had our final coding lesson of the year, the top 5 students received prizes for their hard work. 

We hope everyone has a Loony Tunes Tuesday! 

Monday, 13 December 2021

Monday, December 13th


1. Spelling Test 7 sent home to be signed and returned 

2. Science Quiz sent home to signed and returned

3. Food bank and loonies for lunch donations. 

4. Patroller forms sent home to be signed and returned.

Themed Days:

Wednesday Dec 15th - Pyjama Day to kick off caroling (Please add to blog and tell your class)

Thursday Dec 16th - Plaid Day - Wear anything plaid to school to get in that lumber jack winter vibe.  (Please add to your blogs and tell your class)

Friday Dec 17th - Winter break themed - ugly winter break sweaters - dress festive for the holiday

Today in class we read on our own and read Harry Potter.  We then continued with our math adventure of volume, and played 4 on 4 half-court basketball games where everyone had to touch the ball once before your team can shoot.  We also watched the first movie up to where we have read, and the differences are quite drastic. 
In science we are learning about constellations and the myths associated with them from different cultures. In the afternoon we had lunch, recess, mindfulness, and then we attempted the CBE Minecraft education edition challenge.  The challenge is to design something as a class the city might use downtown to attract tourists.  Today I just let them loose on the program so I could some things from them.

We hope everyone has a Magneto Monday! 

Friday, 10 December 2021

Friday, December 10th


1. Spelling Test 7 sent home to be signed and returned 

2. Science Quiz sent home to signed and returned

3.  Food bank and loonies for lunch donations. 

4. Patroller forms sent home to be signed and returned.

Themed Days:

Wednesday Dec 15th - Pyjama Day to kick off caroling (Please add to blog and tell your class)

Thursday Dec 16th - Plaid Day - Wear anything plaid to school to get in that lumber jack winter vibe.  (Please add to your blogs and tell your class)

Friday Dec 17th - Winter break themed - ugly winter break sweaters - dress festive for the holiday

Today was a quick day!   We worked on our science solar systems then had our spelling test and marked it.  Then we had gym, dodgeball, followed by snacks.  After snack we had our science quiz and marked it.  After that we did our appreciation circle, kindness box, secret Santa stuff before ending the day on Mathletics.

We hope everyone has a Fun-tastic Friday! 

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Wednesday, Dec 8th


1. Spelling Test 7 - Friday (words post on a previous post) 

2. Science Quiz - Friday (topics to be studied on previous post)

3. Poetry projects sent home to be signed.  Please return the rubric signed. 

4.  Food bank and loonies for lunch donations. 

5. Basic fact quizzes sent home to be signed and returned. 

6. Science project rubrics sent home to be signed and returned. 

7. Patroller forms sent home to be signed and returned.

Themed Days:

Wednesday Dec 15th - Pyjama Day to kick off caroling (Please add to blog and tell your class)

Thursday Dec 16th - Plaid Day - Wear anything plaid to school to get in that lumber jack winter vibe.  (Please add to your blogs and tell your class)

Friday Dec 17th - Winter break themed - ugly winter break sweaters - dress festive for the holiday

Today we worked on our science research projects.  Then we did our final reading comprehension quiz of the year ;) it was about asteroids and comets.

After that we had snack, recess, and learned about what is volume and how to solve volume problems in math.

In gym we had basketball,  then we had lunch, recess, mindfulness, and did kahoots about trees and forests to help study for the test on Friday.

We hope everyone has Welcoming Wednesday! 

Themed Days for December

 Themed Days:

Wednesday Dec 15th - Pyjama Day to kick off caroling (Please add to blog and tell your class)

Thursday Dec 16th - Plaid Day - Wear anything plaid to school to get in that lumber jack winter vibe.  (Please add to your blogs and tell your class)

Friday Dec 17th - Winter break themed - ugly winter break sweaters - dress festive for the holiday

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Tuesday, December 7th


1. Spelling Test 7 - Friday (words post on a previous post) 

2. Science Quiz - Friday (topics to be studied on previous post)

3. Poetry projects sent home to be signed.  Please return the rubric signed. 

4.  Food bank and loonies for lunch donations. 

5. Basic fact quizzes sent home to be signed and returned. 

Today we did a kahoot to study for the science test before basketball in gym.   After gym we did our basic fact quizzes then we corrected them.  While waiting for others to finish students worked on their cities for social studies.

In sky science we are starting a planet investigation / research project and the class had time to work on it.

In the afternoon we did some science presentations, a class clean up and then did our weekly Tuesday coding.  Our coding program ends next Tuesday, but students can still code at home with their log ins.

We hope everyone has a tooooo much Tuesday! 

Monday, 6 December 2021

Monday, December 6th


1. Spelling Test 7 - Friday (words post on a previous post) 

2. Science Quiz - Friday (topics to be studied on previous post)

3. Science Projects - 4 students did not hand it in, they have until tomorrow to submit

4. Poetry projects sent home to be signed.  Please return the rubric signed. 

5. Basic Fact quiz tomorrow

6.  Food bank and loonies for lunch donations. 

Today we did sky science for the first hour.  After music we handed back the poetry project and went through it and explained the marks to them.  Then we read Harry Potter until math.  In math we did the area of triangles and L shapes.  In the afternoon some students presented their awesome science projects, then we did kahoots to study for Friday's quiz.  We will do some every day to help the kids study.

We hope everyone has a magical Monday! 

Secret Santa Rules

 Hey all, forms were sent home today, we are drawing names on Friday.  

Spelling Test #7 - Friday

Spelling Test 7 - this Friday

Novel Study















Unit test study guide - Trees and Forests


Friday, 3 December 2021

Friday, December 3rd


1.  SCIENCE PROJECT DUE MONDAY! - project and write up!

2. Spelling tests sent home to be signed.

3. Mayor's Food Drive - dry food and canned good please

4. Loonies for Lunches to help the homeless 

Today was a busy day!

We started off with mathletics with a focus measurement.  Then we had the final hour I promised them to touch up their projects and do their write ups. 

Then had music with Mr. Wiens and did our spelling test.

We had our kindness box and appreciation circle which was awesome. 

The day ended with us learning about emitting vs reflecting in space.

We hope everyone has a Funimation Friday!