Things to look for in a story are:
- Events organized in a logcial order => plot mountain
- Transtions between events (introduction- rising action - climax - falling action - ending)
- Paragraph with a mix of action & character dialogue
- Varied sentence beginnings and sentence structures
- Specific & descriptive (lively) vocabulary
- Writing Convetions (spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization)
Many students still need reminders to attend to writing conventions.
A news report will be marked on these categories:
- is there a headline and short lead paragarph that answers the who/what/where/when/why
- are there at least 3-5 additional paragarphs that provide more detail (how & 5 Q-words in detail)
- use of news language (e.g. formal tone - passive voice => "The man was rescued by ")
- use of the provided information and facts of the assignment
- include quotes of people invovlved /witnesses (direct & indrect quotes)
- students are encourgaed to "invent" appropriate names of people and add extra suitable information
that fits the context
- is there a conclusion (e.g. next actions/ updates to be expected)