1. Moon and ROAR quiz ...for people who missed it today, you can't escape it just like Earth can't escape its revolution
2. Edmonton Spelling Test part 2 ...Friday for those who missed....those who did it today it will be sent home
3. Angles and Triangles quiz Friday ....use mathletics at home for review
4. Local Government Quiz, next Tuesday... see other post for review, I will send them a mini review sheet Friday too.
5. Black History Month Research Presentation due March 1st
6. Reading...Give it a Shot ... 60mins = 1 card in grade 6, ends end of March ...we will give cards out every Friday.
7. Social cities need to be done by next Tuesday, the 22nd too. These were due a while ago and will be used in our next unit about the provincial government.
8. Monday is Valentine's Day. We have 23 students in the class if you are planning something.
Today we read / studied for science test to start. Then we did the science test, library, and made accounts if they had time.
In math we did a review for the unit test tomorrow. Students who didn't finish were told to finish at home. tonight.
In LA we did the Edmonton Spelling test #2, this doesn't count for their report cards until the sixth Edmonton Spelling test. You can look all 6 up online if you wish, but grade 6 students are suppose to get around 32-25/50.
In gym we did floor hockey puck handling skills.
In the afternoon we watched the video of the art project we will be doing tomorrow. Youtube "walking in the rain" if you want to see it. It is ambitious, but I think we can pull it off. We picked out our 4-paint colour scheme too. Then we got our painting canvas ready to go for tomorrow.
After the art prep we continued to work on our Black History Month project to end the day.