Thursday, 31 March 2022

Thursday, March 31st


1. Spelling Test #12 - Friday

2. Stories due Friday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today we worked on integers in math and took them up as a class.  After music,  we read, and had gym.  Then we learned about pressure, to get ready for our properties of air unit. In social we worked on our group posters for the provincial government unit. In the afternoon we worked on our stories.  We also did a big class clean too! 

We hope everyone has a thunderous Thursday! 

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Tuesday, March 29th


1. Spelling Test #12 - Friday

2. Stories due Friday

3. Walking to Confluence Park Weds 9am departure, back by 10:15 - 10:30am  --- form sent home --- dress for the weather 

Today we started with reading and working on our new science terms + definitions. 

We then started a group social poster research project that we will be doing in class.  We talked about what makes great leaders and great partners.  We then talked about what makes an awesome poster as a class.  Then we went through how to find information in books and make it our own.

In science we had a sun safety presentation, the students are nailed their quizzes and the whole class one we earned 100%. 

In math we continued our integer journey.  Today was a difficult process doing word problems with them.

In the afternoon we worked on our stories.

We hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday.

Thank you from Jump Rope 4 Heart!


Monday, 28 March 2022

Monday, March 28th


1. Spelling Test #12 - Friday

2. Stories due Friday

3. Walking to Confluence Park Weds 9am departure, back by 10:15 - 10:30am  --- form sent home

4. Sun Safety Presentation Tuesday at 11:00am 

Today we started learning about negative numbers, comparing then adding and subtracting them. 

After music, read, caught up as a class, and had gym. 

Once recess and snack was over, we continued to learn about the provincial government and how it works.  

Then we did our spelling words + definitions.

In the afternoon the students had just over an hour to work on their stories.  Most are at different places and paces, but they are due this Friday. 

We hope everyone has magnificent Monday! Welcome back from the break! 

Spelling Test #12 ---- this Friday


Walk to Confluence park


We will be leaving at 9am Wednesday and returning for 10:15am.  Dress for the weather. 

Forms sent home!

Friday, 18 March 2022

Friday, March 18th


1. Work on your story please.  I would love it if you all came back from the break with your 1st draft complete. 

2. Final copy of stories due Friday April 1st

3. No school next week, its the spring break!

4. Fundraise for Jump Rope for Heart

Today was a great last day before the much needed break.  We read and prepared for the assembly.  After the assembly we did our appreciation circle and had snack with an indoor recess.  After that, we went through the story mark rubric, which I will post during the break.  Then we had about 1.5hours to work on our story planning or drafting, depending where the students were. After that, we ended the day with our gym period.

We hope everyone has a safe, healthy, and restful break andddddd a fabulous Friday! 

Thursday, 17 March 2022

March Winners

 Care for Others: Ethan - He was nominated by his peers for helping others, being cheerful, and always having a positive attitude

Care for Learning: Leara - She was nominated by her classmates for working really hard on our past 2 projects and always tackling her learning head on!

Care for Place: Huu - He was nominated by his classmates for cleaning the entire room and carpet on his own without being asked!

Care for Self: Simon -  He was nominated by his classmates for being determined to improve his writing and math skills

Pillar of the Month: Riley - Truth - He was nominated by his classmates for always telling the truth to his friends and to teachers about his life and what he thinks is important people should know

Thursday, March 17th


1. Twin Day and Pillars of Care tomorrow assembly tomorrow

2. Science tests have been sent home to be signed and returned please

3. Fundraise for Jump Rope for Heart


Today we had 30mins to study before our big science test for an hour.  After that we marked the tests together.   Then we went to the library. 

After the library we finished our science presentations! So happy they are done! 

In gym we had a big skipping competition, our top skipper went for 6mins straight! 

In the afternoon we worked on our story planning / first drafts.

We hope everyone has a thrifty Thursday!

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Tuesday, March 15th


1. We will be marking math tests tomorrow and returning them home to be signed. 

2. Science test Thursday! STUDY NIGHTLY 

3. SPACE projects  ---- we have 16 projects left to get through before the break! 

4. March Break starts this weekend! 

5. Fundraise for Jump Rope for Heart! 

Today we did our math test.  We had music, read, and did gym.

After that we listened to science projects.

For the end of the day students worked on their rough copies for their stories / still planning it out.

We hope everyone has a tubular Tuesday! 

Monday, 14 March 2022

Monday, March 14th


1. Math test tomorrow on transformations...practice with the handouts or Mathletics

2. Science test Thursday! STUDY NIGHTLY 

3. SPACE projects start tomorrow, 8 students are presenting. 

4. March Break starts this weekend! 

Today we read and then practiced for our math test.  In gym we started Jump Rope for Heart!  Please fundraise! 

In social we learned how a provincial law is formed, and how our voting district work.

For science we did kahoots to study and a student presented their project a day early! 

In the afternoon students worked on science or planing their stories.

We hope everyone has a magnetic Monday! 

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Thursday, March 10th


1. Science Project due Tuesday March 15th, presentations start

B) Science quiz Thursday March 17th ...REVIEW SENT HOME TODAY!!!

2. Parent teacher interviews March 10 and 11. Please sign up. 

3. No school March 11th 

4. Twin Day March 18th  + Pillars of Care Assembling 

5. Math quiz on transformations March, Tuesday 15th.  ----- REVIEW SENT HOME ...and on Mathletics 

Today we had quite the day!  We did our science projects for an hour (PLEASE WORK ON THESE AT HOME!!!).

We did our curling finals, and the students had a lot of fun.  We had 11 teams and 1 grand champion team. 

In LA we started planning our big narrative stories for the end of this unit. 

Then in the Safety Expo we did online safety and safety in public spaces. 

We then went through the science review study guide, and worked on our math review for the unit. 

In the afternoon we had lunch, recess, mindfulness, then we had a health guest speaker about shopping at the grocery store.  Was a very cool lesson, I even learned a few things!

We hope everyone has a theoretical Thursday! 

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Tuesday, March 8th


1. Science Project due Tuesday March 15th, presentations start

B) Science quiz Thursday March 17th 

2. Parent teacher interviews March 10 and 11. Please sign up. 

3. No school March 11th 

4. Twin Day March 18th  + Pillars of Care Assembling 

5. Virtual Safety expo March 9 and 10th

6. March 10th virtual guest speaker about grocery shopping 

7. Basic Fact quiz Wednesday!

8. Math quiz on transformations March, Wednesday 16th. 

Today we read and talked about the importance of International Women's Day.  In math we practiced for the basic facts then did work on rotations, reflections, and plotting points. 

In social we learned about provincial services and provincial tax brackets.

In LA we continued to brush up on our creative writing skills to get ready for our big story planning that is starting tomorrow!

Then we did a 30min lesson about past present and future of international women's day.

In the afternoon we worked on finishing our IRIS goals for parent teacher night, and then our science project. 

We hope everyone has tsunami Tuesday! 

Monday, 7 March 2022

Monday, March 7th


1. Science Project due Monday March 14th, presentations start

2. Parent teacher interviews March 10 and 11. Please sign up. 

3. No school March 11th 

4. Twin Day March 18th 

5. Virtual Safety expo March 9 and 10th

6. March 10th virtual guest speaker about grocery shopping 

7. Basic Fact quiz Wednesday!

Today we learned about reflections and the tips and tricks to doing them.    In gym we are continuing our curling bonspiel that ends this Thursday. 

In social we just started our provincial government unit.  We explored PEI's decision to build a bridge to the mainland.  

After DEAR time we practiced showing not telling in our writing.

In the afternoon we worked on our science projects. 

We hope everyone has a magic making Monday!

Friday, 4 March 2022

Friday, March 4th


1. Read previous blogs about SJAM music program 

2. Parent teacher interviews March 10 and 11. Please sign up. 

3. No school March 11th 

4. Twin Day March 18th 

5. Virtual Safety expo March 9 and 10th

6. March 10th virtual guest speaker about grocery shopping 

7. Science Project due Monday March 14th, presentations start

8. Spelling tests returned to be signed 

Today was a pretty quick day. 

We did our science projects, that are now posted on a previous blog post about what the students have to do. We are starting presentations before the March Break. 

In math we continued our work with transformations, rotations, and reflections.  We also did our kindness box and appreciation circle. 

Then we had gym, snack and recess.  After that the students had time to DEAR or study for their spelling test. 

We did the spelling quiz and marked it.

We hope everyone has a freaky Friday! 

Sky Science Project Requirements + Rubric


Thursday, 3 March 2022

Thursday, March 3rd


1. Spelling Test Friday 

2. Read previous blogs about SJAM music program 

3. Paren teacher interviews March 10 and 11. Please sign up. 

4. No school March 11th 

5. Twin Day March 18th 

6. Virtual Safety expo March 9 and 10th

7. March 10th virtual guest speaker about grocery shopping 

8. Science Project due Monday March 14th, presentations start

We did out science project first thing before music.  After music we had library, DEAR time, and recess.  After recess we practiced for our spelling test tomorrow and did dialogue work.  After that, learned about endings, proper paragraphing, transition words, and how to jump in time in our narratives.  We ended the day doing slides, reflections, and rotations.  We are hoping next week to have a quiz on all 3.

We hope everyone has a Task Master Thursday! 

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Tuesday, March 1st


1. Spelling Test Friday 

2. Read previous blogs about SJAM music program 

3. Black History Month presentations all week.  We did 6 groups today.  We should finish them tomorrow!

4. Paren teacher interviews March 10 and 11. 

5. No school March 11th 

6. Twin Day March 18th 

Today we did presentations for the first hour of the day.  Then in gym we did curling again. We read and did a health lesson on the benefits of sit spots. 

Then we went on our walking field trip to Split Rock.  The students were great! Ask them about it.  We will be going every 3-4 weeks.  The students loved in their feedback and the 20min sit spot of silence was really powerful.

When we got back we did class journal about it.

In the afternoon we learned about the rocky planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.  Then students worked on their science projects which I will post this week.

We hope everyone has a Mardis Gras Tuesday!