Friday, 29 April 2022

Friday, April 29th


1. We are going on our walk to Split Rock Monday at 11:00am.  We will be back just before lunch.

2. Work on your social project this weekend if you can please. 

3. Spelling tests sent home to be signed and returned ---the students did excellent! 

Today we read before our first ever assembly since Covid. The students were well behaved, and the grade 5s who ran it did an awesome job! 

We cleaned up after the assembly then went back and did math for an hour.  After math we had snack and recess.  Once that was over we did the spelling test and marked it.  We then cleaned the room.

We ended the day with kickball v.s. Mr. Lancee's class and dismissed from outside. 

We hope everyone has a fabulous Friday! 

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Thursday, April 28th


1. Assembly tomorrow

2. Spelling Test 15 tomorrow 

3. Social project due date...still unknown 

Today we started with math and working on patterns before having music.  After music we read, had library, and went to the gym. 

After recess and snack we worked on our new LA focussed DL board for the class.  Then to end the day we made seating signs for the assembly and setup the gym for it.  Afterwards we had about 30mins to work on our social projects.

We hope everyone has a terrific Thursday! 

Growing Smiles Spring Fundraiser


Growing Smiles Spring Fundraiser


It's Spring! That time of year again where everything is new and beautiful and growing!

Beddington Heights Elementary is happy to be Fundraising with Growing Smiles once again we will be selling beautiful hanging baskets, along with many varieties of potted plants.

Our Campaign is starting Friday April 29th - Friday May 13th.

Orders will arrive Thursday May 26th at Beddington Heights School

 Pick up time to be determined closer to delivery date.

Please click the link below and place your order. Feel free to share with your family and friends!

Please place child's name, teacher's name (if you know it) and grade on order form to assist with sorting.

You can make payments via credit cards or e-transfer to  Password :plants

If you have any questions about the fundraiser, please send us an email at



SJAM options info...more to follow


Hello future SJAMers!


Over the next two weeks, staff from Sir John A. Macdonald School will be traveling to our Elementary feeder schools to assist the Grade 6s with their option selections.


Please look over the attached document with your child and decide what options they would like to take in Grade 7.  Students will get four options, two per semester, or 3 if one of their choices is Band as it’s a full year option.  If your child does not want Band for sure, please do not make that selection!  It is a priority so any students that select Band will be placed in it. If you think your child would like Band but wants to explore, please choose Music.

Students must make four selections AND two alternates in the event that we can’t place them in their first four choices due to class size restrictions.  If these choices are not made, we will make them for you and students might not like where they are placed so it’s very important to make all the selections. Please have a conversation with your child as to which options they would like to take.


It is important that we have selections chosen to ensure that we have accurate representation of students’ desires and can staff accordingly.  If a class has a low request number the option may not be offered.


In the event that your child is out of area and has been accepted to SJAM for Grade 7, we are not traveling to schools out of our designated area but we will enable the feature so that they can log into their PowerSchool account and do it from home.


If your child is pre-registered to attend a different junior high next year, please do the option selection anyway.  If by chance your situation changed and your child ends up coming to SJAM, we want those requests to be there.


The Power School Portal will be open from May 3rd to May 16th.  You will be able to see the options in the Power School Portal and be able to change a request until May 16th.

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Wednesday, April 27th


1. Spelling Test #15 this Friday

2. Social project will be due next week....determining the date tomorrow. 

Today we read and then continued our news article scavenger hunts!  Planning news articles will be tomorrow. 

In math we continued our basic pattern adventures using pictures, adding, subtracting and multiplying. 

In science we learning about animal adaptations, and how they can fly / adapted to not fly.  We learned about eagles, geese, hawks, penguins, ostriches and moths. 

In social we are working on our charter of rights story board project. 

We hope everyone has a wacky Wednesday! 

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Spelling Words this week ... test this Friday


Pillars of Care Winners for this Month!

 Care for Others: Elizaveta - She is always warm and welcoming to any student.  She was voted this month by her peers for this award.

Care for Learning: Ethisham - He has been steadily improving his LA marks and Social Studies quizzes.  The class voted him for this award. 

Care for Place: Adam -  Adam was gone for a while and the class missed him.  He fit right back in by helping the teacher with the classroom organization.  He was voted by his peers for this award. 

Care for Self: Ammar - Ammar too has shown great resilience in getting all his work done this past month to the best of his ability.  He was voted by his peers for this award. 

Pillar of the Month: Aaliyah - The pillar of the month is reflection, and she has been doing a lot of self reflection by improving herself and the way she acts around others.  She was voted by her peers for this award.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Wednesday, April 20th


1. BEDMAS quiz Friday

2. Earth Day Friday ... doing something green at home for the environment 

Today we combined classes for an interesting day of learning.  We read,  then we practiced for our quiz.

In gym we did belly ball.  In LA we worked on using pre given facts to write into a news article. 

For social studies we looked at how fictional characters use self-reflection to improve themselves and their relationships.  This the pillar of the month, so it was quite fitting.

In the afternoon we did Mathletics, prodigy, to continue getting ready for Friday's quiz.

We hope everyone has a whimsical Wednesday! 

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Tuesday, April 19th


1. Earth Day Friday... do something Green at home!

2. BEDMAS Quiz Friday

Today in class we practiced BEDMAS to start the day before music.  After we read then are playing bellyball in gym  for the week.  It is 12-11 for the teams. 

In the mid part of the day we did about 1.5hrs of science to catch up when I was a away on Thursday.

In the afternoon we attempted to to write our own news article to see what the students can do after learning about them last week.

We hope everyone has a thrift shop Tuesday! 

Wednesday, 13 April 2022


 Hey Parents, 

For the grade 6 farewell we are asking that you email us some baby photos / younger photos of your lovely children!  They will be used to do a 'then & now' comparison during the farewell assembly in June.

I would need these at the end of May / start of June to 

Thank you!

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Tuesday, April 12th


1. Properties of Air quiz Thursday

2. No school Friday and Monday 

Today we continued working on BEDMAS followed by music.  Then we read and are doing parachute games in the gym this week.  In LA we learned about how to make exciting headlines and the difference between direct and indirect quotes.  In social we learned about 5 rights and freedoms in the charter which sparked some great class discussions.  In the afternoon we did 3 kahoots for the science test Thursday and we went through the topics to study on the test. 

We hope everyone has terminator Tuesday! 

Monday, 11 April 2022

Monday, April 11th


1. Properties of Air quiz Thursday

2. No school Friday and Monday 

Today we read and started our new math unit, order of operations.  (BEDMAS .brackets, exponents, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction) 

In LA we started our new unit, news reports.  We are learning about the format.  Also we talked about the child stampede news reporter competition. 

In social we started our new unit about the charter of rights and freedoms.  Some great class conversations today on it. 

In science we did kahoots to practice for our quiz Thursday.

We hope everyone has a money Monday! 

Friday, 8 April 2022

Friday, April 8th


1. Spelling test 13 sent home to be signed and returned

2. Prov. Govt test sent home to be signed and return 

3. Integer test sent home to be signed and returned

Today in class the students had 15mins to study for spelling / social test.   Then we did the spelling test and marked it.  After that we dove into the social test.   After that test, we marked it and went through it together.  We then had gym, recess, and snack.  On computers students had a couple choices to own their learning in math. 

We hope everyone has a futuristic Friday! 

Thursday, 7 April 2022

Thursday, April 7th


1. Social unit test  tomorrow

2  Spelling test tomorrow 

3. math test will be returned tomorrow after we mark them as a class 

Today we did the math test and went to the library to get new books. 

In gym for student game creation we played badminton.

Then we had our 2nd session with the artist, where we made backgrounds for the mural. 

After that we did our poster presentations and did some notes on the properties of air. 

In the afternoon we played class jeopardy to practice for the unit test. Then we did some kahoots for it too.

We hope everyone has a thrift Thursday. 

Wednesday, 6 April 2022

missing shoes

These shoes were taking from a grade 5 class today.  If you seem at your place and they shouldn't be there, please contact the school or myself.  

Thank you


Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Tuesday, April 5th


1. Spelling Test Friday, words posted

2. Social Test Posted, students did 2 mini review tests today

3. Basic Fact quiz sent home to be signed and returned

4. Integer Test Thursday - practice with mathletics ....word problems sent home to practice 


Today we read and continued to learn about Ramadan.  Then we worked on our spelling sentences, examples, and posters for provincial government.  Then we went through whats on the test, and I printed them a study a guide. 

In science we learned through experiments that air behaves like a liquid, air takes up space, and that we can compress air. 

In math we practiced for, did, and corrected the basic fact quiz.  I went through the word problem handout with them as well.  Tomorrow will be a test review. 

In the afternoon students had more time to finish their poster presentations, and stories.  While the majority of the class did the kahoot test reviews.

We hope everyone has a tunic Tuesday! 

Whats on Prov Govt Test this Friday


link to study guide:

Monday, 4 April 2022

Monday, April 4th


1. Spelling Test Friday, words posted

2. Social Test Posted, students did 3 mini review tests today

3. Basic Fact quiz tomorrow, practice with mathletics 

4. Integer Test Thursday - practice with mathletics 


Today we started with working on social review posters...they being presented tomorrow/ finished tomorrow for some then presented on Wednesday.  

In gym its students make their own game week.

We had an artist visit the school today, we are making a mural for the fence to be up by June or earlier.

After recess and snack, we did our spelling terms, definitions and some got to the sentence part. 

In science we started investigating the properties of air with experiments.  We did the does air take up space? Does it have weight? And can we compress it? experiments.

In the afternoon we did 3 Kahoot test reviews for Friday's test.   Students who needed that time to print their stories / edit / finish them had that time to work on them.

We hope everyone has a magnetic Monday!

Spelling test #13


Friday, 1 April 2022

Friday, April 1st


1. Spelling tests sent home to be signed and returned

2. Half the class DID NOT meeting the story deadline.  Parents I gave 10hrs of drafting time, and 4 hours of planning time.  This is inexcusable.  Going into grade 7 your kids need to learn how to do work at home.  14 hours is a lot of class time to plan, draft, edit, and revise a short story. 

3. Stories are due Monday, parents will be notified Monday if they do not meet the deadline.

Today was a busy day!  We did gym and our spelling test. Then we worked on funeral cards for Mrs. Paolini.  The students did an amazing job on this! 

After that, we worked on our provincial government unit posters.

To end the day we worked on stories.  We had some editing, some revising, some drafting, and others printing.  Once they were done they worked on Mathletics; integers. 

Then we cleaned desks and carpet after our busy day.

We hope everyone has a funtastic Friday!