Thursday, 17 December 2020

Thursday, December 17th


1. share me your science project

2. help your parents with chores around the house and yard

3. be thankful

4. have a happy and safe holidau

5. Merry Christmas!!

Thank you for all the gifts, cards, and treats! It means a lot to me being away from my family.  You all have raised great children! 

Much love

Pillars of Care Winners for Dec

All of these students deserve these awards! 

Care for Others: Jaime - During math Jaime has been very helpful in our fractions unit taught other students his tips and tricks he’s discovered.

Care for Learning: Sloane - For always completing every project to the best of her ability and bugging Mr. Shackleton to have it marked ASAP!

Care for Place: Dayton - During our city building project Dayton always, without asking, helped any student put away any of their supplies they used.  Thank you!

Care for Self: Simon - He has demonstrated great persistence in learning, being social, and participating in recess games outside! Keep it up Simon! 

Pillar of the Month: Lhanz - Thank you Lhanz for being generous to Mr. Shackleton and future grade 6s by sharing your city project as an exemplar

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Wednesday, December 16th


1. Study for Science Test this Thursday!!! ---- tomorrow!!!

2. Science project Due Dec 17th - Thurs

3. Science unit test Dec 17th - Thurs

4. Study again for science test! 

5. If science research project is done online SHARE to 

thank you

6. Pyjama day tomorrow! 

Today we read and had gym.  After that we did our fractions test, hopefully we can mark them tomorrow! 

Then we did some festive Christmas activities before doing some science kahoots to help us study for the test. 

In the afternoon we had one final push to finish our leaf research project.

We hope everyone has whimsical Wednesday! 

Virtual Christmas Concert Links















Wu AM:


Wu PM:

















Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Tuesday, December 15th


1. Study for Science Test this Thursday!!!

2. Science project Due Dec 17th - Thurs

3. Science unit test Dec 17th - Thurs

4. Fractions test Dec 16th - Weds .... hopefully you brought home the extra sheets I left. 

Today we read before gym.  After gym we practice for the math quiz tomorrow.  I made tons of extra worksheets for students to bring home to practice with or they can use mathletics.   

When then started a festive film for LA while students worked on Christmas cards.

After recess we worked studying for science by doing kahoots. 

In the afternoon we worked on our science projects.

We hope everyone has twinkling Tuesday! 

Monday, 14 December 2020

Monday, December 14th


1. Study for Science Test this Thursday!!!

2. Science project Due Dec 17th - Thurs

3. Science unit test Dec 17th - Thurs

4. Fractions test Dec 16th - Weds

I am in the office Monday Tuesday Wednesday this week filling in for isolating admin. 

We started off with reading and getting to know the sub.  After gym we worked on some test reviews for the fractions test Wednesday. 

After that did our big desk clean and had snack.

After snack we got the art supplies out and started making personalized Christmas Cards until recess.

Once recess ended we studied for our science test using kahoot.

After lunch, mindfulness, and recess we worked on our science projects to end the day.

We hope everyone has musical Monday! 

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Thursday, December 10th


1. Study for test tomorrow

2.  Study for test tomorrow

3. Social test Friday Dec 11th

4. Science project Due Dec 17th

5. Science unit test Dec 17th

6. Fractions test Dec 16th

7. Bring in nonperishable food items for the food drive if you can :) 

Today we read and had gym with the gym teacher.  For math we did a fraction unit review that we will be peer assessing tomorrow, followed by mathletics.

In LA, we practiced using common lit, read a story and answered a variety of question types.  If you were away today its on your common lit account.

Then we studied for social doing kahoots without my hints.  

Everyone had a turn in our appreciation circles. 

Then we worked on science projects while I handed back the social city rubrics and gave the students verbal feedback 1 to 1. 

We hope everyone has a thrifty Thursday! 

School this Friday, no school Friday the 18th

 Sorry for any confusion

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Wednesday, December 9th


2. Social city write up! ----only a few students left to hand in then I will mark all the cities! 

3. Social test Friday Dec 11th

4. Science project Due Dec 17th

5. Science unit test Dec 17th

6. Fractions test Dec 16th

7. Bring in nonperishable food items for the food drive if you can :) 


Today we read and went over snow rules.  After gym we worked on placing fractions on a number line. 

We had snack then finished The Giver movie.  We shared our feelings on it using precision of language, tomorrow we will be doing comparisons, and pros and cons of movie vs book.

After music we did social studies kahoots to study for our test Friday.

In mindfulness our appreciation circle went quite well, thank you to those students who shared.

We ended our day working on our science research project.

We hope everyone has a Winter Wonderland Wednesday! 

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Tuesday, December 8th


1. No school this Friday

2. Social city due Monday the 7th ...extended to Wednesday AM

3. Social test Friday Dec 11th

4. Science project Due Dec 17th

5. Science unit test Dec 17th

6. Fractions test Dec 16th

7. Bring in nonperishable food items for the food drive if you can :) 


Today we did a reading about social studies with questions to help for our quiz.  Went to gym and after had time to touch up social before we started to final watch The Giver movie!  (we are 1 hour in) 

After that we did fractions for math: converting them to pictures and improper to proper.

We then did some kahoots to study for our social test.

Mindfulness tomorrow will be a sharing circle.  Pick a virtue our class needs tonight and a special object in your mind you want to share to the class about, no pressure to bring it in.

Then we had time to work on our science project.

We hope everyone has a time traveller Tuesday! 

Monday, 7 December 2020

Monday, December 7th


1. No school this Friday

2. Social city due Monday the 7th ..ext4ned to Wednesday AM

3. Social test Friday Dec 11th

4. Science project Due Dec 17th

5. Science unit test Dec 17th

6. Fractions test Dec 16th

7. Bring in nonperishable food items for the food drive if you can :) 

8. I will be here 230-330pm on Monday to allow students to finish what they did on the weekend for their projects. 

Today we read, changed spots and cleaned the class before gym.

During math we worked fractions again with a focus on drawing mixed number fractions and making equivalents of them. 

Then students had time to finish / print their social write ups / clean the room / help other people finish painting or gluing.

We talked about covid outbreaks for health today, and we studied for a social unit test by doing kahoots (online multiple choice quiz).

After all that we had an our to work on our science leaf project.

We hope everyone has a magic Monday! 

Science Links

 Copy and paste these links below to help you! 

Top Tree Species in the City of Calgary

Guide to the Common Native Trees and Shrubs of Alberta (68 page pdf)

A Beginners Guide to Tree Identification

Leaf Facts for Kids

Margins And Shapes And Arrangements:

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Thursday, December 3rd


1. No school this Friday

2. Social city due Monday the 7th with the write up.   I will accept late projects but I will be marking them after school on Tuesday so I can clear the clutter out of my room by Wednesday. 

3. Social test Friday Dec 11th

4. Science project Due Dec 17th

5. Science unit test Dec 17th

6. Fractions test Dec 16th

7. Bring in nonperishable food items for the food drive if you can :) 

8. I will be here 230-4pm on Monday to allow students to finish what they did on the weekend for their projects. 

9. Study for your tests nightly.  Read those guides a min. once per night.

Today we had a farewell pj party for Ms Nelson, as today was her last day. We did lacrosse-esq skills in gym today.  For LA, we finally finished The Giver and will be comparing the book to the movie next week.

In math we compared and learned how fractions are decimals and how decimals can be percents.

We had music with Mr. Wiens today too.

In the afternoon we worked on our leaf identification project  (due in 2 weeks) and our social city project - due Monday! 

We hope everyone has Christmas Tree Thursday! 

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Wednesday, December 2nd


1. No school this Friday

2. Social city due Monday the 7th with the write up.   I will accept late projects but I will be marking this after school on Tuesday so I can clear the clutter out of my room

3. Social test Friday Dec 11th

4. Science project Due Dec 17th

5. Science unit test Dec 17th

6. Fractions test Dec 16th

7. Bring in nonperishable food items for the food drive if you can :) 

Today Ms Nelson handed out presents to the class as tomorrow is her last day.  Then we went to the gym for a sport thats similar to lacrosse in skill set.

In LA we worked on our Giver write up, and a kahoot on it. 

In math we worked on converting fractions and mixed number fractions into decimals.

In science we started our leaf project and looked through old examples from previous students --- Due  Dec 17th

During social we worked on our city and students were focussing more on the writing aspect of it ---Due Monday! 

We had a fire drill this afternoon too, and the students were outstanding! 

We hope everyone has a whimsical Wednesday! 

Science Test Study Guide - Dec 17th

The Science Test is on Dec 17th


Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Tuesday, December 1st


1. No school this Friday

2. Social city due Monday the 7th with the write up.   I will accept late projects but I will be marking this after school on Tuesday so I can clear the clutter out of my room

3. Social test Friday Dec 11th

4. Science project Due Dec 17th

5. Science unit test Dec 17th

6. Fractions test Dec 16th

7. Bring in nonperishable food items for the food drive if you can :) 

Sorry on Mondays I get scattered brained with my admin meeting sometime and forget to post.

I will post more science study notes tomorrow so they are on here too.

We have a super busy next 3 weeks and will be working hard until the break! 

We did reading and gym to start the day.  Went further in our novel study that is almost complete :)

In math we continued with converting fractions and expressing numbers into decimals and fractions.

In the afternoon we started the science research project and looked at how previous students of mine have completed it. 

Then we moved onto our social cities that are due this Monday.

There will be no spelling tests as we have a math, science and social unit tests this month, as well as two projects too.

We hope everyone has a toon Tuesday! 

Social study test review and notes - Friday Dec 11th


Test is Dec 11th this everything they need to know!

Science notes

 The Forest Ecosystem – Notes You Need!

• The forest is an ecosystem (community of living organisms interacting with

non-living components)

• The biotic (living) components include:

o All plants (producers)

o All animals (consumers- 3 types: herbivores, carnivores, omnivores)

o Earthworms, mites, millipedes, carrion beetles, ants, maggots, fungus,

molds, & bacteria/ microscopic soil organisms (decomposers)

• The abiotic (non-living) components include:

o Water

o Rocks & soil

o Sunlight & air

o Chemicals

• Trees have a significant affect on conditions inside the forest (under the


o They break the wind: with less air movement, there is less drying

o They shade the ground, this lowers the air temperature and also

reduces drying

o This causes forests to be more humid with moist soil

o They contribute leaves, branches and stems to the material on the

forest floor that decomposes into humus

• Herbivores (like deer and caterpillars) can have a negative effect on plants

and trees because they eat the leaves – tent caterpillars consume every part

of the tree that is edible to them – spruce bud worms kill the growing shoots

of spruce trees – Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers peck rows of shallow holes

around the trunk of trees to draw out sap – blight and other fungi/bacteria

gets on leaves, then travels into the wood of tree stems, destroying the leaves

and sections of the tree

• There are 4 levels of the forest: canopy, understory, floor and subfloor

o The canopy: is the top level, is formed by the leaves and branches of

the tallest trees. Up to 35% of precipitation that falls on a forest is

intercepted by the canopy. Different birds (owls, orioles) and insects

(aphids, tent caterpillars) live here.

o The understory: is home to the smaller trees and larger shrubs. It

provides sheltered space for birds and small mammals to travel.

Many insects, lichen, squirrels, woodpeckers and many other birds

can be found here.

o The forest floor: ferns, wildflowers, and other soft stem plants, tree

seedlings, butterflies, dragonflies, mice, weasles, deer, skunks, and

rabbits live and find their food sources here.

o The subfloor: includes the soil, leaf litter, mushrooms, insects,

salamanders, toads, and moss. The soil is a storehouse for growth and

covers the bedrock. Worms, bacteria, soil insects, tree roots, spiders,

millipedes and centipedes are found here.