Wednesday 6 October 2021

Concrete Poem Task and Rubric

Concrete Poem Outcomes

2.3.3 alter words, forms and sentence patterns to create new versions of texts for a variety of purposes; explain how imagery and figurative language, such as personification and alliteration, clarify and enhance meaning

2.4.2 -Use literary devices, such as imagery and figurative language, to create particular effects -select appropriate visuals, print and/or other media to inform and engage the audience -choose words that capture a particular aspect of meaning and that are appropriate for context, audience and purpose


4.10.iii. A. Drawing - Use drawing to add details, textures, create pattern or suggest volume including hatching and cross-hatching, shading, dotting.

Concrete poem task:

1. Have students select a theme for their concrete poem.

2. Have them brainstorm ideas that they can include in the rough draft of poem.

3. Have students write rough draft in their LA notebooks. 

4. Students should edit and revise their 1st draft, improve word choice, add literary devices (check literary device wall for ideas), edit spelling.

5. Students can create a rough illustration of a noun or symbol that represents their theme

6. Students can create good copy of their concrete poem.


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